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"Holy shit....how could I have been so stupid?! So fucking stupid." Sanaa thought to herself as she tried to gather her swarming thoughts together at the moment.


Beautiful intelligent little Mia was in fact his daughter.

And that bitch of a woman Aria, was now his wife.

Sanaa was in deep thought that night as she layed in bed on her back, her chestnut eyes locked soley on the beige ceiling. Should she still even continue tutoring her? Even though she was bound to now run into him at any moment whether she wanted to admit it or not.

The thought alone not only frustrated and flustered her but scared her downright to the core. She didn't know what she'd do if she had to see him again. She honestly didn't know how she would react.

"Damnit...ain't this some bullshit" The words came out in a huff of frustration after tossing and turning for what seemed like the millionth time. She had been wide awake for the past few hours, Omarr leaving only a few hours earlier. Crawling out of the queen sized bed, she let her bare feet hit the cool carpet while she raked a hand through her wild tresses and quietly headed down the stairs. Maybe a midnight snack might help ease her frantic nerves.

As Sanaa raided through her red refrigerator, she couldn't help but let her mind wander to thoughts of him again. She wondered if he even knew.

Probably not.

And even if he did, it's not like he would care.

It's obvious he had moved on with his life by now. He had to.

She would've heard from him by now if that was in fact the case. If almost on cue, the phone started to ring and she jumped a little. Letting it go to voicemail, Sanaa simply went into her cabinet to grab a glass for some water when the phone began to ring a second time. Closing her eyes, she contemplated on whether or not to answer. Chewing on her bottom lip curiosity got the best of her and with a quick movement of her hand she hit the answer button, her hand trembling.



"What do you want?" Sanaa didn't mean for her voice to sound so harsh but her heart was racing in her chest. Hmm he sounded just as if not more nervous than her...

"So you're tutoring my daughter huh..." His smooth voice trailed off before the line went dead causing Sanaa to look back down at the phone in utter confusion. What the hell was that all about?

"Let me just go back to sleep..." She whispered to herself, trudging tiredly back up the stairs.

The following day when Mia had been dropped off for her tutoring session, the young girl imediately noticed the slight discomfort on Sanaa's features that she tried desperately to keep hidden.

"Hi Miss Lathan! Is, is everything alright?" Mia's big greenish hazel eyes bore into the older woman's and she immediately got a chill up her spine.

She was literally a carbon copy of her father. The resemblance was uncanny.

"I'm fine. Cone on let's get started alright?" She quickly ushered her in the house.

After two hours Mia was starting to place her belongings inside of her pink hello Kitty backpack when a loud grumble errupted from her stomach causing Sanaa to turn around and laugh a little.

"Here, why don't I make you some lunch hm? I'm pretty hungry as well"

"May I help? If that's alright?" Mia asked innocently, nervously placing a hand on the back of her neck, rubbing. An action that her father would do quite often whenever he was nervous as well.

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