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Prince's Pov:


Now, how in the world would I even begin to explain this to her? I briskly headed back for Mia's room that was down the hall from mine and Sanaa's. Once I entered, I quietly closed the door behind me with my foot and let out a shaky sigh, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, my daughter's small frame was still clinging onto mine as I continued to hold her, her head now resting in the crook of my neck. We both stayed sitting still for a few minutes before I started to speak, clearing my throat a little. Placing a trembling hand on her thigh, I gave it a slight squeeze of encouragement... mostly for me.

Alright... Here goes nothing...

"So..." I cleared my throat again before continuing.

"You said you had a bad dream huh?" Mia nodded at my question, her fingers now fumbling with the ends of the black shirt I wore. "You wanna tell me about it?" She shook her head no, remaining silent for a few more moments before she opened up her mouth. I was thinking she was maybe going to speak again but she simply clamped it shut.

"What you saw back there... I'm sorry you had to see that sweetheart-" "What were you two doing? Why was Miss Lathan bent over like that Daddy?" Mia's voice asked in pure innocence and I gulped at the  uncomfortable bundle of nerves that now formed.

Fuck I can't do this.

How in the hell do I explain this to her...

"Was she hurt?"

I couldn't help but chuckle a little at that, shaking my head. "No, she wasn't hurt baby"

"Oh okay. But it sounded like she was crying" Mia spoke again before lifting her head up to look at me for some type of confirmation and it was then at that moment I took notice of just how much she took after all of my features.

Sure, there was traces of her mother visible here and there but it was evident  as hell that she had gotten most if not all of her genes from me. Her wide curious hazel eyes, my own eyes  continued to look up into mine, waiting patiently for an answer that she knew eventually she'd get. That might end up being the a problem once she gets older.

"Well um, we were just, Sanaa and I were doing what two people who really care about each other do. When two people  love one another, they like to express that love but it's completely harmless and it's a beautiful feeling that everyone should get to experience one day...do you understand?" She nodded again and I gave her a soft smile, letting out a sigh of relief and silently praying internally that this conversation was officially done with.

"Will I ever get to experience that too Daddy?" I  had to chuckle again, reaching up to readjust the two french braids Sanaa had done, taming her wild curls hours prior before responding. "Well one day you will... but of course I'd have to meet him first"

"Daddy...may I ask you something else please?" I gulped again and froze.


"Of course buttercup. What's up?" "Where's mommy?  Is, is she dead?" I immediately tensed up at her simple but complicated question and I tried to put on a brave face. Before I could muster up the words she started talking more.

"I miss my mommy. Why did she leave us? Does she hate us?" I shook my head, immediately placing her small hands in mine when I saw the tears beginning to form in her big eyes causing my heart to shatter. "No Mimi of course not. Mommy loves you more than anything in this world. You know that."

"...Does she hate you daddy? I've heard her say that to me before once"

I bit at my bottom lip before answering. Truth be told, I wasn't surprised that Aria had some choice words to say to our daughter when I wasn't around. It still cut deeply in my veins though. "I um, well I don't think Mommy was really happy with me anymore" she remained quiet at that.

"You remember how I told you how Mommy had to go away for a while?"

"Yeah" she started to rub at her eyes with her hands and I placed a kiss on her temple, squeezing her a little tighter in my arms.

"Well, Just know that she's happy where she's at okay? She's at peace" "...Okay" I could tell that Mia had wanted more of an explanation but that's all I could give her right now. "Do you love mommy still? Like how you love Miss Lathan?" She asked, her head leaning back against my chest. "Of course. I'll always have love for Mommy. And you were a result of that love" I could definitely tell there was more questions Mia wanted to ask but she left it at that and I let out a relieved sigh.

"Well are you hungry? I was about to make some dinner" she nodded. "Can we have chicken nuggets?" Her hazel eyes were hopeful and I nodded reaching out to tickle her armpits and she let out a loud squeal preparing to take off running away from me but I was quick to scoop her up in my arms causing us both to laugh. I swear that's the one thing she loved to eat constantly wherever we were. "Yeah I can make those. You just make sure you have some vegetables alright? I'll probably make some mac and cheese and some sweet potatoes too. I know Sanaa would love that" I placed her back down on the plush carpet.

"Yes! Thank you daddy!" Mia squealed excitedly before she placed a quick kiss on my cheek and I smiled warmly just at the thought of being able to make her smile. "Alright go get washed up then" she ran to the bathroom and I got up from the bed to stretch out my tired limbs. Well that went better than expected I guess. I still has to tell here that she would be a big sister in a couple of months but I figured that piece of information could wait.

Once I headed back to my suite I was surprised to find Sanaa passed out in the bed, her face buried deep in between the white sheets. Shaking my head, I chuckled a little before crawling on top of her, my face hovering inches from hers. She looked so peaceful while she slept. I was so in love with this beautiful woman it was insane.

"Chestnut...wake up baby" my voice was soft as I placed tender kisses on her face before making my way up to her ear lobe, nipping at it causing her to stir slightly in her slumber. It wasn't long before her brown orbs opened in a daze, the moment they met with mine her big smile mirrored my own. I knew at that moment she was the one I wanted to be with. I needed my forever to be with her. I didn't know what the future would hold for the four of us from here on out but as long as she continued to love me the way she did and be with me, I could conquer anything. We would conquer anything.

"What's up Skip?" She asked and I laughed at the old but familiar nickname she had use to associate me with when we first met. "I love you so much" it slipped out in a breathless tone and she smiled wide again before leaning in to kiss me. She whispered her response I'm my ear.

"I love you too...and so does he"

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