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"Thanks again but you really didn't have to take me..." Prince spoke once Sanaa pulled up into the parking lot of the grocery store. Cutting off the ignition, she dismissed it with the wave of her hand. "It's no trouble really!" Once the two made it inside Prince quickly grabbed her a cart. They then continued to stroll down the isle in silence while he pulled out a small piece of paper  from his wallet.

He had made a list of groceries that he needed earlier at his house after he had finished his chores. Sanaa couldn't help but chuckle at him, watching quietly as he stared down at his list in deep concentration, making sure he didn't forget any items, chewing on his bottom lip. He seemed a bit hesitant as to whether to stay with her or to take off and start getting the things he needed. Noticing his dilemma, Sanaa gave a reassuring smile. "Why do you go pick up your stuff while I'll get my stuff for dinner and then we can meet up at the register?" "O-Okay" Prince stuttered, his cheeks turning crimson as he practically took off, his eyes still locked on his list.

By the time they got back, Prince helped Sanaa with her bags in her home. He was just about to leave when suddenly she spoke, her question asked completely catching him off guard. "W-What?" His voice cracked as he froze in place. Sanaa had placed the carton of milk in the refrigerator, repeating her question.

"I said do they always do that to you... Dominic and them? How long has this been going on?" Prince remained silent for a few moments, his hazel orbs meeting with the tiles of the kitchen floor. "They've been bullying me since I moved h-here" "You know, I could tell the principal and have them suspended-" "NO!" Prince suddenly yelled out, startling her. "Please... don't" he whispered. She could see the plead as well as the fear in his eyes. "I, I can handle them on my own. I don't need your-any help" he spoke. Letting out a sigh, Sanaa crossed her arms over her chest. She was just about to say something again when Prince leaned down, grabbing the rest of his groceries. "I um I need to get going. Thanks a-again!" He rushed out of her house leaving her alone with her whirlwind thoughts.

Once Monday morning hit, Prince let out a sigh slowly sitting up in his bed. He really didn't feel like going to school today plus his sinuses were beginning to act up. That's the LAST thing I now need. To get sick. Paisley  came strolling in to his room as he crawled out of bed, stretching his sore limbs.

Changing into a pair of jeans with a sweatshirt, Prince brushed his teeth, grabbed his backpack and headed out the door. It wasn't until he reached the high school that he realized he had forgotten to feed Paisley. "Damn" he cursed mentally while he set his notebook on the desk. It was too late to turn back now. He couldn't help but notice that Mrs. Lathan was absent today. Weird. I just saw her that other day. I hope everything's alright...wait why am I even thinking about her anyway?? Snap outta it Nelson.

The school day seemed to go by pretty quickly. None of the other students seemed to bother Prince which he was extremely thankful for. He had decided to take the school bus home. As he sat in the seat, watching the series of cars pass by, he really wished he had a car of his own to drive. He had his driver's license at least. Once the bus reached his stop, he got off, walking into his neighborhood at a quick pace. His hazel orbs frantically darted around while he clutched onto the handles of his light green backpack. Surprisingly, he hadn't run into Dominic or his crew for majority of the school day. Even though Prince was relieved, he definitely felt the fear pierce through his veins still. They've gotta be around somewhere. I just gotta make it home and I'll be free. His footsteps suddenly stopped as the 4 figures came into view. They were standing in front of Prince's house, their heads all snapping up as they saw him in the distance. Immediately the color drained from Prince's face, he could feel his heart wildly pounding through his ear drums, the bile rising up his throat. He was trapped.

"Princess!" Dominic yelled out, his tone harsh as he started to take off running down the street along with Morris, Andre and Tony close behind. Dropping his backpack in the middle of the street, Prince took off full speed, running in the opposite direction. His legs felt like they would give out any moment but he kept running as if his life depended on it. "Split up! Get that fucker now!" Dominic screamed to the others and they took off in different directions. Somehow Prince managed to escape in the nick of time, quickly jumping inside of the large dumpster located at the end of the street. Once he was inside, he crouched down in the mounds of garbage, placing his hands over his mouth to keep from making any noise. Footsteps were heard coming closer near the dumpster and his body violently trembled, the tears clouding his vision. Shutting his eyes,, he said a quick prayer. God please. Please don't let them find me. Please.

Prince had stayed inside of the dumpster for majority of the day, too afraid that he'd come face to face with Dominic if he were to come out. He didn't know exactly how long he had been in there but it felt like an eternity. He was sure it had to have been dark out by now. Just as he was about to remove his hands from over his mouth, footsteps suddenly approached towards the dumpster, starting to open the slot and he tried to hold it closed with all his strength. It was then the slot door started to shake. Whomever it was, was desperately trying to get it opened. "N-NO! PLEASE!!" Prince screamed, the tears streaming down his cheeks. His breathing became ragged and choppy while the sobs escaped his lips.

"S-Skipper? Is that you in there?" He froze at the feminine tone. "Please open up!" The voice called out. Hands trembling, Prince pulled the slot door open slowly, a pair of familiar chocolate orbs gazing right into his. He had never felt so embarrassed.

Not saying anything, Sanaa set her trash bag down before she held out her hand which Prince quickly grasped onto while she helped pull him out of the dumpster.
She felt her heart shattering at the sight of him. His clothes were slightly dirty, bits and pieces of trash stuck in his afro. His eyes were wide and red, tears silently continued streaming down his cheeks. How long had he been in there? She wondered before reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. He visibly flinched away, eyes now locked on his sneakers. She could tell he was trying hard to control his breathing but kept failing miserably. Was he having an anxiety attack of some sort? She didn't know. Placing her trash inside of the dumpster, Sanaa grasped tightly onto Prince's hand leading him back to the neighborhood. 

As they walked back Prince's eyes frantically darted around the empty street. Where was- "Your backpack is at my house. I put it in the living room" Sanaa spoke noticing his behavior. "T-Thanks" he managed to croak out, his voice hoarse. Once they reached her house, Prince quickly followed her inside. A silence had settled over the two as he retrieved his backpack. He wanted to leave but for some reason his feet remained planted in place. When Sanaa turned around to face him he was surprised to see the fresh tears in her eyes. Wiping them away with the sleeve of the jacket she wore, she spoke.

"G-Gather your belongings from your house and place them into a suitcase" Before Prince could respond she spoke again, this time her voice much clearer and stronger. "I know I'm not supposed to do this but it's... it's the only option since you don't won't me to tell on those boys...." By now Prince was utterly confused. What was she trying to say? "Mrs. Lathan I-" Sanaa held up a hand, making him go quiet. She knew what she was about to do could possibly cost her her job but she didn't care. "I want you to stay here from now own, Prince. I want you to stay with me."

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