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By the time the the bell for the end of the period rang, Prince couldn't wait to finally leave the hell that was entitled "high school" he managed to make it out of the double doors of Coreen High before anyone else, quickly jogging down the steps to grab his bike. Yes! I made it. He thought happily. Smiling a little he took off out of the school's parking lot, heading home. As he strolled into his neighborhood he  couldn't help but notice how quiet it was. The autumn leaves seemed to blow in the breeze off the trees, creating a soft peaceful sight.

He was just about to turn the corner for his house when suddenly someone's foot hit the back wheel of his bike, causing him to fling forward. Landing in the grass with a rough thud Prince's eyes were then met with the LAST person he wanted to see. The person he had been trying to escape all day at school earlier. "Well look at here fellas? Looks like someone tried to escape....you really thought you could try and get away huh?! You fucking fag. Get him guys!" Dominic yelled while his 3 friends, Morris, Tony, and Andre started kicking at Prince who kept frantically trying to get up but they had pinned him down to the ground.

Fight back! You've got to fight back Prince! His conscious yelled. He tried to lift up his hand in an attempt to form a fist but immediately Dominic stomped on his fingers causing a loud painful scream to errupt from Prince's lips. Cackling, Morris then kicked him in the face, the front of his shoe coming in direct contact with Prince's nose and the intense pain shot up his veins, traveling through his blood stream at rapid speed. The blood then started to flow down from his nostrils like a waterfall, soaking the collar of his white tshirt. His vision was slowly starting to blur, tears already trickling down his cheeks. He kept trying with all his might to not let them see the tears but it was too late. He no longer felt like a fighter. He felt utterly powerless. Just let them kill you, already. It'll put you out of your misery.

The only thing he could make out was the harsh voices of Dominic and his crew still yelling, calling him all sorts of cruel names. "P-Please...." he managed to croak out in a hoarse voice, his entire body going limp and weak. The last thing he remembered was hearing a female's voice yelling in the distance before everything finally went black, his head dropping in the grass.

Sanaa's Pov:

I had just pulled into my driveway when in the distance in my review mirror I saw 4 teenage kids take off running down the street. They looked like they attended Coreen High. Isn't that Dominic? Yep that's definitely him. I can make out that big head anywhere. Getting out of my white thunderbird, I slammed the door thinking it was just regular mischievous teenager behavior when I saw the figure laying curled up in a fetal position in the grass.

Squinting my eyes, I took a step closer. I couldn't seem to make out exactly who it was but that's when I saw it. The light green backpack sprawled out next to a yellow bike. Oh my God. Was that... I didn't waste any time running across the street then, my heels clicking rapidly on the pavement before reaching the individual. A loud gasp escaped my lips. It was Skipper. He barely looked recognizable. There were cuts all over his cheek, a deep gash on his bottom lip. There were purplish black bruises around both his eyes and his nose was gushing blood, the front of the white tshirt he wore soaked up in it. "Oh my g-god! Skipper wake up!" I managed to steady my quivering voice while I crouched down in the grass, frantically tapping at his face. His eyes were fluttering slightly but wouldn't open completely.

"Come on honey, I need you to wake up..." I kept saying softly, gently grabbing his face with my trembling hands. Grabbing a tissue from my purse, I dabbed lightly at blood drenched nose, holding his head back.

Once Prince's eyes finally fluttered open, he was surprised to find a pair of chestnut orbs looking down at him, filled with concern and worry. ...Mrs. Lathan? Immediately he tried to jump up from her touch but the sharp pain shot through his body making him wince. "Are you alright dear?" Her voice was quivering and he could tell she was trying hard not to cry. "Y-Yeah I'm f-fine" he managed to whisper, trying once again to sit up but every muscle in his body literally ached in unbearable pain. "Here let me" Sanaa spoke before holding her hand out for him to take. Grasping it tightly, Prince slowly got up from the grass, his cheeks flushed in deep embarrassment. Great. She probably thinks I'm some pathetic wimp. Just like everyone else. He quickly snatched his hand away.

"Do you need any help?" Prince quickly shook his head, slowly reaching down to grab his backpack and bike. His hands were shaking. Running a hand through her locks, Sanaa let out a sigh. "At least let me take you to a doctor? Your nose looks pretty bad and your eye-" "I said I'm FINE!" Prince snapped suddenly making her go quiet. Noticing the change on her face he quickly mumbled out a "sorry" before practically running up the stairs and into his house, slamming the front door in her face.

Shutting his eyes, Prince's heart started racing wildly in his chest again. He kept thinking of Mrs. Lathan's eyes. They were wide, filled with understanding and warmth. They were filled with sympathy. I don't want anyone to have pity for me. Especially her. I'm just fine. Dropping his backpack he started to head up the stairs when the front doorbell rang. He froze in place, his breathing suddenly getting more shallow. "Skipper?" He heard her voice call out before the doorbell rang again and he felt the perspiration begin to form on his forehead, the tears clouding his vision again. Licking his lips, he wrapped his arms around himself, swaying back and forth to steady his nerves. Now was not the time to have another anxiety episode.

"Skipper? Can you please open the door?" Mrs. Lathan yelled while Prince continued swaying back and forth, his body violently trembling. "P-Please l-leave!" He choked out, the rapid beating of his heart intensifying in his ear drums. It wasn't long before the ringing of the doorbell finally stopped and he breathed a sigh of slight relief. She must've left. Wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his purple flannel, Prince then continued walking up the stairs to take a shower. He couldn't help but feel guilty for the way he acted towards Mrs. Lathan but he knew it was for the best. He refused to let her feel sorry for him.

Removing his clothing, his hazel orbs scanned over his once crisp white tshirt now stained with his blood. I've got to wash this ASAP. Hopefully mom won't notice. It's not like she would ask questions anyway. He didn't even attempt to glance over his appearance in the mirror as he dragged his feet into his bathroom, slowly stepping inside the tub. Once the warm water hit his skin he immediately hissed sharply, wincing as it not only soothed his muscles but caused him to be in even more pain than before. Grabbing the wash cloth, he grabbed the bar of soap, inhaling its sweet lavender scent. His nerves were still shot but once he started to lather his body in his favorite scent, he felt somewhat calm and relaxed.

Letting out a sigh, Prince continued to simply let the warmness of the water drown his naked body, soothing him to no end. He didn't want to get out just yet as he found his thoughts suddenly drifting back to those warm compassionate chestnut orbs. That caramel tone of her skin, rich in the autumn sunlight, looked so smooth and delicate to the touch. Her skin was probably so soft. Her hair, full and wavy, tumbling ever so gracefully down her shoulders, framing her face to perfection. Her body...the way those black dress pants adorned her hips, the orange silk blouse she wore...

Without thinking a low deep groan left Prince's lips as he shut his eyes, his hand slowly trailing down his stomach before stopping just below his abdomen. Bitting his lower lip, he let the wash cloth and bar of soap drop from his hands to the floor. He then let his hand grip his throbbing erection, slowly grazing his thumb along the tip before stroking up and down. "Mmm" he moaned out softly, his hips thrusting upwards, matching with the rhythm of his hand. Resting his head against the shower wall for support, a loud gasp left his now parted lips as he could feel that familiar tingling sensation begin to creep up. His hand started picking up speed, a series of soft moans leaving his lips. "O-Oh fu-Mmm" his hips bucked as he finally came, his breathing returning back to its normal state.

Slowly opening his eyes, coming down from his euphoria, Prince quickly came back to his senses, turning off the faucet. Stepping out of the shower, his head now hung low in embarrassment and shame (...No, not THAT head y'all lol😭😂).

How could I do that?? What the HELL is wrong with me?! Masturbating while thinking of...a teacher. A FUCKING TEACHER PRINCE?! "I'm so fucking pathetic..." he whispered to himself, drying off with a towel. Changing into a pair of black pajama pants with a grey tshirt, he crawled into his bed, burying his face inside his pillow. A few moments later he felt something wet and fury tickle his face. Paisley. "I don't think you wanna know how my day went today buddy..." Prince whispered sadly, scratching the cat's ears before laying back down. All Paisley did was meow quietly in response, snuggling up against his side and Prince couldn't help but smile in the darkness. A least I have one true friend. He couldn't help but wonder what Mrs. Lathan was doing...Prince. STOP. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he quickly turned on his side in bed, attempting to fall into another restless night's sleep.

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