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"So...where do we go from here Mama..."

That was the first thing Prince had said after a few moments of silence that following morning. Our bare legs had been tangled in between the sheets, the lingering scent of sex still in the air as I chewed on my bottom lip in thought. I didn't want to have to think about that question but it couldn't be avoided forever. The thought of him not being around anymore terrified me.

I was selfish when it came to him. I always was.

"Babygirl...look at me" he whispered and my eyes slowly met with his. I parted my lips but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say. Instead I took in his appearance. His black thick curls slightly disheveled, his skin looked flushed, a few love bites prominent on his chest around his nipples and lower neck and I smirked to myself knowing I was the cause. His hazel eyes were gazing deep into my soul, searching for an answer to his question, however I still remained silent. Finally letting out a shaky sigh I spoke, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't know..."

He heard it clearly.

"Excuse me?" Immediately he sat up in my bed, his entire attention on me now. I sat up as well trying to grab the damp sheet to cover my breasts but in one swift movement he roughly grabbed them from my grasp, rolling his eyes.

"Stop. Its not like I haven't already seen them."

The silence that settled between us was uneasy. "What do you mean you don't know? What the hell is that Sanaa?" He tried to control the anger in his tone but it still managed to seep through.

I crossed my arms over my bare chest in a way to protect myself. "I'm saying, I don't know where we could go from here. We're both taken and-" "I don't love her!" He interrupted, his tone harsh. "Then why'd you marry her?" My tone just as harsh. He didn't respond.

Hm.That's what I thought.

"Like you really love that lame ass nigga you're with" he suddenly spat with so much hatred that I visibly winced. Now it was my turn for the cat to catch my tongue. He smirked. "I'm not trying to take Mia away from her mother...I, I couldn't do that to her. To either of t-them" my voice broke and his hazel orbs softened at the mention of his daughter. "I'll figure that part out" he mumbled then, getting up out of bed not caring that the sheets tumbled off his frame. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help it. Noticing my eyes on him, Prince turned around. He looked defeated.

"Why don't you want for this to work? Why don't you want to be with me?" My heart sank from the look on his face when he asked that. "I..." I couldn't find the words to finish. "You know what, maybe I should just go" he started grabbing his clothes, his whole demeanor reminding me of that once shy and reclusive teenager. "Prince wait" I jumped up then, letting the bed sheets fall to the plush carpet. His vision was casted on his feet, his clothes now balled up in his fists as he looked away.

"Look I get it, I'll leave" he mumbled barely above a whisper, his eyes still avoiding mine. I grabbed his chin, caressing it slowly with my fingertips. "I'll always love you, you know that? You'll always have a piece of my heart" "Then why are you pushing me away?" His voice was soft as his eyes finally met with my own and my breath still managed to get caught in my throat at the sight. An effect he has on me that would never change since when we first met.

"I just want what's best for you. I want you to be happy...even if that isn't with me. You've got so much going for you. I'll just ruin it" I confessed.

He chuckled quietly, a sad smile creeping on his lips. "Well that's utter bullshit" his free hand snaked its way around my waist pulling me closer towards him.

It was then I could feel the beginning of his erection probing at my thigh and I tried with all my might not to get wet but was failing miserably. "I know you feel that...." He whispered in my ear before nibbling on it causing me to squeeze my thighs together. "This is what you do to me.... nobody else does that...." When his lips attacked mine I gave it no second thought and when he picked me up and my legs wrapped themselves securely around his waist my thoughts as well as heart began to race. He placed me on top of my wooden dresser, my ass causing a thud. "You still remember the first time we made love?" He asked, his palms grazing ever so lightly up my thighs and I shuddered at the feeling. "Y-Yes" I whispered and he gave a playful grin, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Damn. I still remember how completely nervous I was. I was practically shitting bricks!" He joked, the both of us giggling quietly. "But
when I finally did touch you..." I let his hands slowly part my bare thighs apart on the dresser.

"...When I finally heard you moan out my name... begging for me to continue..." His breath was warm against my lips as his eyes locked with mine. "Whimpering how it would kill you if I were to stop..." An audible gasp escaped my parted lips once I felt his slender finger slowly enter deep into my wetness followed by another finger. "I knew, it would all be worth it..." his lips attacked my neck as his pace began to quicken, my hips matching the rhythm of his thrusts.

I let him do whatever he wanted to me in that moment but little did I know in the next few hours things would be different between us forever.

When Prince had gone back home later on in the day I spent the rest of my time tidying up around the house. Omar would be coming home from his business trip and I didn't want him to think that anything was out of the ordinary. I had just finished vacuuming when the doorbell rang making me jump. "Coming!" I called out frantically running to the front door but not before stopping in front of the mirror to readjust a few strands of hair that had fallen out of place. Smoothing my hands over the pale yellow dress I wore I took in a deep breath before walking briskly to the door opening it wide with a smile but it faltered once I noticed the officer standing out on my doorstep instead, his features grim.

Aww snap! What do y'all think might've happened??😯😯 Btw I'm so sorry it took me a thousand years to finally update! I had a terrible case of writer's block and with working two jobs & everything else going on life just got in the way. I'm gonna try to finish this story though 💯 I know a lot of people enjoy it!

-Stay wild!

Natosha 💜🎉😊

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