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Once Prince and Monica were back inside the house, they were surprised that Sanaa was nowhere in sight. "Ma?" The older woman called out, putting her coat back on the rack. Prince simply started to head back up the stairs but not before Moesha stopped him, asking where he was going. She also then suggested that they should perhaps hang out again sometime but Prince cleared his throat to interrupt, shutting his eyes as he now spoke.

"Listen, you're nice and all but I really just wanna go lay down okay? Besides...I thought I too much of a weird kid  for your liking anyway..." Moesha was stunned at his words and she huffed, crossing her arms. "I just don't like having someone befriend me." He stated, his vision now was focused on her, making her see how serious he was. She seemed to be a little lost for words.

"Well uh, I'm just gonna head back out then...If you see my Mom tell her I'll be back in a few hours?" Prince gave a nod before proceeding back up the stairs.

Prince's POV:

Taking my shoes off, my feet padded quietly down the hallway. I was going to go into my room when I heard a sound, well more like sounds. They were soft at first and it caused me to stop, slightly tilting my head to the side to hear more clearly. It definitely was alarming. Unzipping my coat, I continued walking down towards where the sounds were coming from... Sanaa's bedroom.

Her door had been opened slightly and I pushed it back, slowly stepped inside. I knew I was pushing it by entering her personal space but I couldn't help but worry that something was wrong. Sanaa had been sitting on her bed, her face in her hands as she still cried softly. I should've just left at that moment but instead I found myself talking a few steps closer until I now stood in front of her. I took this time to examine her frame. The red dress was still clung to her skin, some of the material hiked up. My eyes settled on her firm thighs that were exposed. I bet they were soft to the touch...WHAT THE HELL PRINCE?!  My concious rang out and I snapped out of it, my cheeks already flushed at the thought.

"Mrs Lathan?" I whispered and her head snapped up, tears still streaming down her caramel cheeks. I could see in her eyes she was surprised to see me in her room and she quickly wiped at her eyes, straightening herself up. "Hello" she sniffled and she patted on the empty space next to her. My heart began to pound as I slowly took a seat next to her, my vision locked on my hands that were entwined. From the corner of my eye I saw her smile fade. "Is that blood on your shirt?"

"Got in a fight" Was all Prince said as Sanaa now noticed the specs of blood on his knuckle. Letting out a sigh, she began to speak again  "I told you, you have to stand up-" "This is Morris's blood, Sanaa" The 17 year old cut her off with a slight adorable smirk and she couldn't help but smile proudly but then she got serious again.

"About what happened in the kitchen, I-" "It's fine...I didn't know that's all you saw me as, a kid whose dad is a deadbeat and whose mother is just pathetic, right?" A silence had fallen between the two after Prince said that. "Prince, I didn't mean-" "Look I said it was fine!" He spat, raising his voice but in his hazel orbs clearly was the hurt. "Maybe I've just overstayed my welcome here... I'd leave but where can I go? I mean, after all I'm just a fuckin runaway in your eyes..." Sanaa winced at hearing him curse, the same words she had just said about him hours earlier to Taye.

Where was this outburst coming from? Sanaa thought as Prince tried to stand up but she placed a hand on his thigh, making his entire body freeze under her trembling touch. "I'm sorry..." Her voice was soft and he shut his eyes. "I f-forgive you" he managed to say. "And, I don't see you in that way at all... You're nothing like your parents. You're very special, Prince" Sanaa spoke honestly but he only shook his head, chucking sadly. "I'm a nobody Sanaa"

She saw the tears forming in his eyes and she gave his thigh a squeeze. When he glanced over to meet her gaze, she found herself getting those in those beautiful orbs of his again. So many emotions ran wild behind those hazel orbs of his.  Immediately memories of when she had fought him and how she had gotten lost in his eyes then came flooding back.  She didn't even realize her hand had still been gripping his thigh until her vision casted down and she quickly pulled her hand back in her lap, fixing her dress. Meanwhile Prince shyly turned his head the other way. When he did he saw the picture that sat on top her of her wooden dresser. He couldn't help but smile a little at it.

 He couldn't help but smile a little at it

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That must be her father. She still looks exactly like that too...How cute.

"So did you, did you have a good birthday though?" Prince asked softly as he now played with jeans, his fingers picking at the material as a nervous habit. Sanaa nodded,the crimson color still visible on her cheeks. "I can't believe I'm officially 33 now... God" she groaned making him laugh a little. "That's still young. You don't look that age at all. You're still very beautiful- crap, I mean uh, um" Prince stuttered over his words, running a hand threw his afro but Sanaa only giggled at his flustered state, giving a warm smile. "Funny how you can tell others how beautiful they are, yet you don't see it in yourself" she spoke and he remained quiet at her statement.

"Did Moe come back with you?" Prince nodded, proceeding to stand up from the bed now. "She said she would be back in a few hours. Have you seen Pais?" Sanaa now also stood up from the bed, stretching a little. "He's around here somewhere! He was looking for his owner earlier" she winked playfully making him smile. Sanaa then started to head for the door and Prince let his vision travel down her curves, settling right on her firm round- "I was thinking about baking a chocolate cake for my birthday dessert? Did you want some?" Her head turned around and Prince's eyes immediately darted to the carpet.

"N-No I'm fine. I'm just gonna lay down for a bit" he said, eyes still locked on the white carpet. Once she opened her bedroom door, he quickly strolled out, mumbling a quick "bye" before heading down into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. Paisley jumped on to his bed then causing him to jump, his head rested back against the door for support and he ran a hand over his face, sighing in embarrassment.

He went into the bathroom to wash the now dried stains of blood off his knuckles, every now and then smirking at the memory of hitting Morris and removed his shirt before laying down on his bed, eyes locked on the ceiling. Paisley purred softly curling into a comfortable ball at his feet. His hand rested on his stomach, fingertips drumming lightly to an imaginary beat before they gradually began to trail down towards his jeans, the uncomfortable constriction already forming and he slowly unzipped his jeans with trembling hands. "Damnit" he mumbled into the white pillow as he quickly turned over onto his stomach in attempt to fall asleep, swallowing his hormones away.

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