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"Prince what are you doing here?! What the hell-"
"M-Mom I um, I can explain" Prince stuttered, rushing over to his mother's side. Meanwhile Sanaa remained quiet. She was going to speak but Mattie quickly put her hand up, grabbing her son's wrist. "You know I could have you arrested for this?! Kidnapping my child!" "M-Ma she wasn't kidnapping me!" Prince tried to intervene, his voice quivering.

Licking her lips, Sanaa finally managed to find her voice and speak. Mattie's hazel orbs were practically throwing invisible daggers at her. "With all due respect Mrs. Nelson, I would never kidnap anyone's child or put them in danger in any way. I simply just invited your son over for dinner and-" "Well do me a favor and mind your damn business." Her tone was harsh as she picked up Prince's backpack, the both of them rushing out. Sanaa jumped at the sound of her front door slamming and she let out a sigh, bending down to pick up the mess of popcorn scattered across the carpet.

Prince's POV:
"Have you lost your damn mind?!" I cringed at my mother's voice. To be completely honest, this was the most time that she had even been spending with me since she started working at the hospital. I know it's pathetic right? I didn't understand why she was so upset. "Mom it was just a dinner. Sanaa-Mrs. Lathan was just looking out for me" I quickly corrected and she raised an eyebrow.
Swallowing nervously, my fingers fumbled around with the hem of my shirt while I spoke again. "S-she had also asked if I wanted to stay with her for the rest of the school year...and, and I agreed." ...Silence.

Complete silence filled the living room while my mother's eyes bore into mine. The next thing that occurred I hadn't expected at all. Clutching my left cheek that now stung in pain, the tears began to cloud my vision as I watched my mother bring her hand back down to her side.

"The reason why we moved down here was so that you could have a better life! I DO NOT want you in contact with that woman! She might as well be a damn pedophile praying on teen boys! She is NOT your mother-" "But she'll be more of a mother figure in my life than you'll ever be! You were never there for me!" I snapped before placing my hand quickly over my mouth.

My mother's mouth hung open in stunned silence at my statement. Shit. I didn't mean it like that! That didn't come out right. "Mom I'm so sorry I-" "You know what fine. If you wanna live with her fine. Do whatever the hell you want Prince....God you're JUST like your no good son of a bitch father!" She yelled and by now my heart was thumping rapidly. Not saying anything I dashed up the stairs then, running into my bedroom, slamming the door. The room felt like it was spinning as I sunk to my floor, my head buried in between my knees. My breathing was becoming frantic and I knew an anxiety attack was soon approaching. Steady your breathing. Close your eyes and focus. Lifting my pounding head up from my knees, I was met with the curious eyes of Paisley. Even he seemed a bit cautious at my frantic emotional state. "I, we gotta get outta here buddy" I managed to whisper out wiping at my eyes with the back of my hand. Jumping to my feet I grabbed the black suitcase from my closet, blindly packing anything that could fit inside.

The clock read a little after 2:30 in the morning when I had walked out the door heading across the street. Knocking on the door, I glanced around, my nerves on severe haywire. By the time I had made it back downstairs my mother had left, probably back to work again but at this point I couldn't care less. After what seemed like an eternity the door opened slightly, Sanaa's chestnut orbs coming into view, wide with surprise but also tiredness. I must've woken her up. Nice one, Loser. Looking from the suitcase that was gripped in my trembling hand followed by the cat carrier, she didn't say anything at first. Instead she simply opened the door wider enough for me to come inside. I guess this is where I'll be from now on...

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