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The following morning Prince woke up with a startled gasp, jolting up from the bed. His hazel orbs frantically scanned over the unfamiliar surroundings before it dawned on him that he wasn't in his bedroom but rather a guest room located on the 2nd floor. From the corner of his eye he saw Paisley stroll around curiously before jumping up on the bed.

"Not uh buddy we're not home anymore you can't do that" he ruffled the cat's ears before placing him back down on the floor. Crawling out of bed he went over towards his suitcase that had been on the carpet, pulling out a pair of jeans with a grey hoodie. He desperately wanted to take a shower but had decided against it, granted he wasn't home anymore.

After changing his clothes and brushing his teeth, Prince silently took in the light blue walls of the guest room he had slept in. It actually was right across the hall from Sanaa's bedroom. I wonder what she's doing. Maybe she's still sleeping? She seemed so tired last night Prince thought, recalling the events of last night. After Sanaa had let him in no words had been exchanged between them as he simply followed behind her up the stairs to the guest room to call it a night. Why am I even thinking about what she's even doing?! Jesus I shouldn't even be here right now! But I have no place else to go...Prince thought sadly. When he finally went down the stairs he was surprised to find Mrs. Lathan already dressed, sitting on the couch, a laptop nestled comfortably in her lap

Her eyes glanced up to meet with his and he found himself freezing in place on the bottom step of the stairs, his clammy hand gripping on to the wooden banister

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Her eyes glanced up to meet with his and he found himself freezing in place on the bottom step of the stairs, his clammy hand gripping on to the wooden banister. "Good morning Prince" she flashed a small smile, closing her laptop. "M-Morning Mrs Lathan" Prince's voice was soft while he quietly made he way towards the living room. "You know, you can call me Sanaa" she joked, standing up and heading in to the kitchen to prepare them some breakfast.

That's how their days seemed to go from then on. Sanaa wasn't about to lie, it was pretty weird at first having Prince stay with her but soon
She found herself enjoying his company even though he still tended to keep to himself mostly. They'd both wake up, have some breakfast and then go off their separate ways to Coreen High School. At one point Sanaa had offered to even drive him but he quickly declined saying it would be way to risky.

He was completely fine with still taking his rusted bike or the bus from time to time. Prince always opted to help out in any way he possibly could, simply whether it was doing the dishes after dinner or cleaning up around the house. It was almost as if he were her son in a way. The two definitely shared a friendly but respectful relationship.

Dominic and his crew however, still kept relentlessly picking on the 17 year old though. One night they had been eating dinner in silence when Sanaa decided to bring the subject up. She couldn't stand to see him come in every now and then with a new bruise on his butterscotch skin. For the life of her she couldn't understand why he just wouldn't tell on them. He kept claiming he could "handle it" himself.

"You really need to tell someone about what they're doing! I, I can't just sit here and let this continue." Sanaa spoke, setting her fork down. Taking a sip of water, Prince cleared his throat, a nervous look casted over his eyes. "P-Please don't do that. I-" "I know. You can handle them yourself right? I've already heard that one." Sanaa had interrupted making him stop talking altogether.

She didn't mean to sound smart but she was getting tired of hearing that same excuse. She let out a sigh. "Pri-" "Excuse me" he quickly scooted out of his chair, heading upstairs to the guest room. In the distance Paisley let out a scolding meow in agreement, following his owner upstairs as well. Should I follow him? Maybe to apologise... Sanaa thought, listening to the hum of her black refrigerator.

Prince's Pov:
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I ran a hand through my afro. I shouldn't have left like that. She had a valid point. I just didn't wanna hear it. Placing a hand over my face, a sigh escaped my lips as I brought my head down. "Damnit" I mumbled against my hand before suddenly hearing a knock on my door. I quickly straightened myself up. "Come in" I called out. "Listen I just wanted to apologise for what I had said. It was..." Her voice trailed off then as her chestnut orbs locked on my suitcase. On top of it was a photo of- "Is that your parents?"

Looking over at the picture frame I gave a slight nod, my voice a whisper. "Yeah" It was photo of us during much more happier times. When they were still together. I think I had just turned 4 when it was taken. "You miss them?" From the silence that followed after she had asked her question, she knew she had the answer. "You've got to learn how to fight back. Since you refuse to get any help..." Sanaa then walked further into the guest room.  Immediately my body tensed in my spot on the edge of the bed as she crouched down in front of me, the sides of the white blouse she wore rode up, exposing her caramel flesh. Eyes gazing deeply into mine, the two words that left her lips I didn't expect to hear at all.

"Hit me."

WHAT?!  "W-What?" I choked out, my eyes wide. She couldn't be serious!  Before I could say more she spoke again. "I wanna see how you defend yourself. This is the only time you're given permission to hit a woman, although that's not what I am right now." Noticing the confused look I now wore, she giggled a bit. "Pretend I'm Dominic. What would you do in this situation?" "S-Sanaa...." I pleaded, my hands suddenly getting sweaty, heart pounding wildly against my ribs. "I can't do that. I won't." Smirking, she remained silent, crossing her arms. She was still crouched down in front of me. "Please..." I started. "Please get up-" "I said hit me you son of a bitch" she spat, roughly slapping at my knee and I snapped.

Lifting my hand up, I tried to lunge forward only to have my fist get caught by her manicured hand, stopping it just centimeters away from her face. My breath got caught in my throat before in one swift movement, she roughly pulled on my frame causing me to topple on top of her, our bodies hitting the floor with a loud thud.

She quickly got free, straddling my waist tightly with her thighs and had my arms pinned back to the point that it started to hurt. By now I'm sure my cheeks were redder than a ripe tomato. Damn. "This is why you have to learn how to fight em back P..." Her voice whispered in my ear, sending chills up my spine. I couldn't speak as I continued to gaze at her with utter shock. Who knew Mrs. Lathan could fight?! The only thing the filled the room now were the sounds of our heavy breathing, my eyes now casted on anything but her own. I felt so damn ashamed and embarrassed at that point. I couldn't even defend myself. I guess I really am a loser after all. Paisley was nowhere in sight.

"Hey...Look at me" I heard Sanaa say softly, letting go of my arms now but I still refused, my eyes now tightly shut. "Prince..." Her hand brushed against my chin and I reluctantly gave in, opening my eyes. "I'm so fucking p-pathetic..." My voice cracked as the tears stung my vision. Crap. That's just what I need...To make myself look even more like a damn baby.

"No. Your not." Her voice was firm as her thighs were still straddling my hips but for some odd reason I didn't mind it. It felt...Nice and I didn't mean in that type of way either. I meant in a way, it felt comfortable. "You know, you have really beautiful eyes" she leaned in closer to get a better view, her lips now inches from mine. Immediately I got a whiff of lavender and without thinking I had lifted up my head towards her neck, absitmindly inhaling her sweet scent. What in the hell was happening?

In one quick movement Sanaa jumped up from off of me, briskly heading for the doorway. "Goodnight" I barely heard her as she quickly closed the door behind her. Crawling up off the floor I walked over on a slight daze, turning off the light and getting into bed. As I layed wide awake underneath the covers that night, I couldn't stop replying what had just happened over on my mind.

What the hell was that? Jesus....

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