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Prince's POV:

2 am couldn't come fast enough.

I was literally counting down the minutes and my dick was already throbbing with anticipation. I was definitely determined to get my Chestnut back. By the time I finally reached my house Mia had sprinted out of the car, slamming the door before heading towards the front door, the tear streaks evident on her flesh caramel cheeks. Of course a piece of my heart shattered at that. I honestly don't know what had sparked me to snap at her earlier about the knife. It wasn't even that big of a deal.

Letting out a sigh, I slowly headed up the steps and inside, the warmth of the house imediately consuming me with its grasp even though my heart felt cold along with my soul. I don't know how it had happened but I had managed to turn into a horrible human being. I wasn't always this ruthless. It was hard to look at myself in the mirror now, my own reflection judging me for my stupid actions.

"Hey honey! What took you so long?" Aria's voice interrupted my thoughts and I winced internally. My own hazel orbs met with hers blankly and a sharp pang hit my stomach then.

Why do I keep leading her on like this? Isn't she aware that my feelings for her are pretty much non-existent now. She deserved so much better.

"What's wrong?"  Her voice was soft, her smile fading as she tried to walk towards me but I held my hand up. "I'm not feeling too well. I think I might go over to Morris's for a bit" The lie escaped from my lips so smoothly.

Aria nodded placing her phone back in her jeans. I swear her phone practically stayed glued to her side. It always annoyed me though. I wasn't too keen on technology. "You know, I still can't believe y'all are friends after all these years. Wasn't he your tutor right?" I frowned, running a hand through my hair as I spoke.

"He was my bully remember..."

"Oh! Right" Aria waved it off mindlessly causing my insides to churn a bit.

It was only after all these years later that I found out the only reason why Morris relentlessly tormented me since middle school was simply due to jealousy. After we were able to find some common ground (he actually paid a visit to one of my art galas and purchased some artwork) we were able to have a somewhat cordal relationship even though I was still skeptical of him at times. They always say once a bully, always one. His other friends as well as the other two guys that bullied me, Tony and Andre we're doing alright in life now as well, well Tony was anyway. Andre had been a drug dealer and ended up getting into a severe car accident, passing away while Tony became "Tony M-C" a underground rapper selling mixtapes before turning his life into becoming a pastor.

Crazy right?

"Well um, I'm gonna go put Mimi to bed it's already pass her bedtime" Aria checked the diamond encrusted watch that adorned her thin wrist.

"Here, I can do that. Let me make her some quick dinner" I spoke already heading towards the kitchen. It had hit me then that earlier at Sanaa's house she hadn't gotten a chance to eat anything. I knew she had to have been starving by now.

"Alright thanks baby. I'll probably be out with Tay again. She wanted me to help her pick out a dress for her date...." Aria was starting to ramble and I tuned her out for the time being, giving a slight now here and there and a "Mmhm" when appropriate.

"Maytoe finally got herself a man eh?" I joked with a small smirk knowing it would irritate her whenever I purposely pronounced her best friend's name wrong. It's not my fault. I mean, what kind of name is Mayte anyway?

Of course Aria rolled her eyes, reaching for her Versace purse, pulling out her clear tube of lips gloss, she smacked her lips. "She's such a sweetheart baby. Her name really isn't that hard to pronounce you know"

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