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Utter confusion was the first thing Sanaa felt when Prince had told her. Setting the burgendy​ mug of honey tea down on the counter, she leaned forward to get a better look at him that following morning.

"...You sure you'd wanna do that?" It was obvious her tone had been hesitant, oval chestnut eyes questioning.

The 17 year old didn't respond right away as his vision focused on his slender fingers that had been fumbling around with the hem of the white T-shirt he wore. Letting out a shaky sigh, he finally gave a slow nod, hazel orbs reluctantly meeting up with hers.

"It's about time I see them again..."

"Was it because of the nightmare you had?"

Sanaa's voice was gentle and he took in a sharp breath. She remembered him mentioning he had one however, he hadn't gone into the details of what specifically happened in it. Whatever it was, must have frightened him to the core because now he wanted to see his parents. There was an urgency behind his expressive orbs but also panic and worry.

Sanaa's POV:

I don't know how it happened but somehow I had found myself heading to the Los Angeles airport to purchase 2 first class tickets to Minneapolis, Prince sitting anxiously in the passenger seat, his vision focused on the window. I had offered that perhaps he'd visit his mother first (after all she was only located across the street) but he insisted he needed to see his father. He also wanted to make sure that I'd accompany him so that he wouldn't be by himself. I told him of course, giving a small smile.

It was a crazy thing to do...as we walked side by side in the busy airport, our suitcases already packed up and ready, I still couldn't believe we were really just up and flying. "Will your father he expecting you?" I asked softly once we got seated in our seats. Prince shook his head. "He, he isn't expecting me..." The 17 year old continued to nibble on his bottom lip, his vision locked solely on his slender fingers. "What's the relationship you have with him? If you don't mind me asking of course..." Sanaa's voice was soft as she looked him over for some type of reaction. "Non existent." She could've sworn she heard him mumble.

Prince's Pov:
Once the plane Finally took off I found myself gasing out the window, lost in deep thought. Was this really a good idea after all? I don't know if I could face him like this... I hadn't been to Minneapolis in years. Not since Mom moved us out to California once I had started middle school. I knew for sure John wouldn't be expecting to see me. What if he wouldn't even let me in the house? The house that once belonged to my mom and I, now filled by his new wife and their kids. The thought immediately made my insides churn and I frowned. Shit. I can't do this. This was a mistake. I could feel my heart starting to pound against my ribs, the feeling of the plane walls starting to close in was sufficating and I found myself struggling to breathe.

"Hey? You alright?" Sanaa's voice echoed in my ears but I only gave a quick shake of my head, tucking a piece of my straightened hair behind my ear as a nervous habit. "E-Excuse me" I practically jumped out of my seat, dashing down the aisle towards the bathroom located towards the back. Once I shut myself inside, the tears already began pouring down my cheeks and I bent over to splash some cold water on my cheeks, my fingers trembling violently. "F-Fuck" I cursed softly, feeling absolutely sick to my stomach. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I froze in place, my eyes locked on my refection in the dirt mirror. "Just a minute!" I had finally found my voice again even though it was shaky. It wasn't long before the door opened slowly, a familiar pair of chestnut orbs coming into view.

Sanaa was quiet as she stepped inside the cramped bathroom, closing the door behind her while Prince felt his cheeks burning in crimson. Grabbing a few paper towels, he tried frantically to wipe at his eyes that were still filled with tears. He hated that he was like this, that he was so emotional and genuinely afraid. Afraid to meet his father again. He wanted to apologise for the way he was acting but it was of the words were stuck in his throat so all he could do was avoid eye contact with the older woman who now stood in front of him.


She had whispered ever so softly, he thought maybe he might've been dreaming it. It was difficult having to get use to that nickname. He still found it hard to believe she was in fact  referring to him. Hooking her hand underneath his chin, she cupped it gently, making him lift his head up. "It's gonna be alright...I promise okay? You have nothing to be afraid of." Her voice was soothing, eyes tender. "O-Okay" was Prince's response, his eyes reluctantly meeting with hers. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you anyway..." Her lips now had been inches away from his own and without thinking he found his arms wrapped around the small of her waist, finger tips nervously playing with the sides of the jeans she wore.

"Thank you again, for coming...-wait, um I mean-" Prince stumbled helplessly over his choice of words causing Sanaa to giggle. "It's alright" she whispered against the nape of his neck and he felt tingles up his spine at the sensation. "We should go back to our seats..." She playfully mumbled against his flesh before finally placing a sweet kiss making his knees go weak. When they finally made it back to their original seats, Prince had tried to avoid some of the curious and judgement stares of a few passengers, focusing now on his sketchbook and pen in his right hand. It would be a few hours before they touched down in Minnesota.

Halfway through the long flight Sanaa had fallen asleep, headphones still tucked in her ears, her head leaning against Prince's shoulder and he couldn't help but smile as he'd glance over her way every now and then, making sure she was alright. At that moment he knew, no matter what would happen once he saw his father again, as long as he had Sanaa by his side, he knew he'd be alright. At least he'd like to think he'd be that way.

Hey!! What's good! :) Hope y'all enjoy!!! Sorry if this chapter sucked it was kind of a filler :/ y'all I've been struggling SO bad trying to find ways to continue with this story tbh 😭 I kinda just want start a whole new story now tbh lol I also want to apologise for taking damn near 20 years to finally update this 😂 I'm so thankful y'all are enjoying it though. That definitely makes my heart happy. <3

-Natty 💜✌

Intoxication.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon