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"No! He's NOT moving back to Minneapolis and that's final! He's just fine where he is!" Prince heard the sound of his mother's voice the following morning. He was just surprised that she had finally returned home from work. Yawning softly, he got up getting prepared to do his chores. He was thankful that it was Saturday. At least I don't have to deal with Dominic and his satanic crew...thank God.

At the foot of his bed, Paisley meowed, stretching his limbs across the carpet. "Come on buddy. I know you've gotta be hungry" He crouched down, scooping up the cat into his arms. When he made it downstairs he saw his mother standing in the kitchen on her phone. She was still dressed in her nursing uniform. He couldn't help but wonder if she actually had off today? A tiny piece of hope sparked in his heart then. Maybe they could finally spend some time together. Noticing another presence in the room, Mattie jumped, quickly hanging up her phone, turning around. "Oh good morning honey!" Prince placed the cat down, going in the cabinet to grab a can of cat food. "Morning. You're.... you're not working today?"

Mattie shook her head, walking over to take a seat at the kitchen table. Prince could see the dark circles around her green eyes. She was so exhausted. It broke his heart. "Did you wanna do something today? I actually have off from the record store too. Maybe we could go to-" The shrill ringing of the phone interrupted Prince's sentence while Mattie quietly excused herself, taking the call into the living room. Sighing, he walked over grabbing Paisley's silver dish from the floor, filling the bowl with water. By the time he set it back down on the floor, his mother had finally returned, a sheepish look now on her features. He didn't even have to ask. Her job had called.

"Go ahead mom. I understand" Prince gave a small smile and she kissed the top of his forehead. "Don't worry sweetie I'll make  up it to you! I promise! Make sure to get those chores done!" Grabbing her purse and car keys, she was back out the door. Immediately Paisley strolled over towards where he sat, rubbing his fur up against his leg for comfort. Sniffling, Prince quickly got up, wiping the fresh tears away with the back of his hand. Passing his reflection over in the mirror, he grimaced. She didn't even notice my face.

It was around 2:30 in the afternoon when Prince had finally finished all of his chores. He had changed into a pair of jeans with a light green turtleneck sweater. He sat on his couch in the living room, flipping mindlessly through channel after channel on the tv. Paisley had fallen asleep on the top of the couch and he chuckled, running his hand along his orange fur. Sighing, he turned the tv off and stood up. There's gotta be something I can do....His body was still sore but the pain wasn't nearly as bad compared to yesterday. He was thankful for that.

Grabbing his wallet, he opened the front door. Maybe I could go to the store. We need a couple groceries anyway. As he went down the steps, walking to the side of his house to retrieve his bike, he noticed the figure crouched down across the street, putting plants in their yard. Their chestnut eyes then locked with his and he could've sworn his heart skipped a few beats. Mrs. Lathan. Shit.

"Hello Skip!" She spoke with a wave, giving a small smile. Prince could tell she was still hesitant to walk over due to how he acted towards her yesterday.
Taking a deep breath, he swallowed his bundle of nerves, starting to walk across the street.

Sanaa's Pov:
I watched in pure surprise as Skipper made his way
across the street, heading for my direction. Once he reached where I was, I got up from where I was crouched down, wiping the dirt from my hands on the back of the faded jeans I wore. "What's up? Your face looks a lot better..." my voice trailed off as my eyes scanned over his appearance. There were still scars on his face but I'm sure with some medicated cream it'd go away in no time. Nodding his head, his hand latched on to the back of his neck, rubbing slightly. He licked his lips, chewing on his bottom lip before opening his mouth, his eyes locked on his sneakers. "I, I um, about yesterday, I, I didn't mean t-to...." He kept fumbling over his words, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Sensing his nerves, I placed a hand on his shoulder, giving a smile. "Don't worry about it, Skipper. I forgive you"

"P-Prince" Prince suddenly spoke making Sanaa's head cock to the side. It reminded him of a little puppy. "Huh?" "That's my real name. You can call me that" he whispered, his hazel orbs looking at anything other than her face. Sanaa nodded, laughing quietly. This was definitely a revelation to her. "Oh I'm sorry! I just always assumed Skipper was your name. Your real name is lovely, though. Were you named after someone?" She asked, genuinely interested as she crouched back down in the dirt, continuing her task of gardening. Noticing the look on his features, she scooted over. "Did you wanna help? I could use some extra company" she joked, patting the empty spot next to her. Placing his wallet in his back jeans pocket, Prince slowly sat down, cautiously giving a good amount of space between him and Mrs. Lathan. I guess the groceries could wait for now.

Handing a small tool over to him, Prince finshed speaking, his voice soft. "I was named after my father. Prince is his middle name..." Sanaa could hear the slight change in his tone then. Was it bitter? Anger? She couldn't help but ask, continuing to place flowers in the dirt.

"Do your parents work alot? I always see your mother leaving..." Playing with the shoelace of his converse, Prince spoke again. "M-My parents are separated. My mom works as a nurse" "Where's your father? If you don't mind me asking?" "He's in Minneapolis. That's where I'm from... he's with his new  family now..." by now the bitterness could clearly be heard in his voice. Not knowing what to say after that, Sanaa simply nodded. She couldn't help but notice this was the most that he had spoken still her especially since he'd rarely ever talk in school. As he spoke, Sanaa really liked the sound of his voice. It was smooth and deep with hint of softness. It was definitely soothing  to one's ears even though she wouldn't dare admit it to anyone, especially him.

Prince remained quiet as his eyes glanced over the flowers Mrs. Lathan was now putting in the dirt. He smiled a little. "I didn't know you liked these types of flowers?" She nodded, her eyes meeting with his. "I love lavender! It's actually one of my favorite colors..." "Mine too" Prince confessed, running a sheepish hand through his afro. The two then got up admiring their work. "Thanks for helping me, Prince" His heart raced at the way she spoke his name. "No problem" he then started to walk away back over towards his bike. He was proud of himself. He managed to keep his composure and surprisingly his anxiety wasn't creeping up on him.

"Oh where were you heading to?" Mrs. Lathan's voice rang out. Turning back around, Prince continued pulling out his bike, proceeding to sit on the seat. "The grocery store" "Did you want me to give you a ride? I actually have to grab a few things for dinner myself" "Um...you don't have to do t-that" Prince's hands gripped the handles of his bike tightly.

"Aw It's no trouble, really! Come on, I wouldn't mind it!" She grabbed her purse walking over to her thunderbird, opening the passenger door. Prince remained on his bike for a few minutes, silently contemplating. Should I? Isn't this considered 'inappropriate' though? Ugh RELAX you idiot! She's just offering to drive you to the grocery store. Damn.  Immediately thoughts of what happened in the shower the night before appeared in his head and shut his eyes, desperately praying for them to go away. "Prince?" Her voice was filled with worry. Was he alright? Why did it look like he was shaking?

In an attempt to steady his breathing, Prince gulped, quickly pulling out his wallet. What's the worst that could happen? I just don't know if I should... it isn't right...is it?

*Ooo snap! What do y'all think?? Is Prince gonna fight off his anxiety and go along with Mrs. Lathan or is he gonna let his nerves get the best of him and run off on his bike...😩😱 So glad y'all are enjoying this so far! Definitely stay tuned! 💕😄*

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