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Flash Forward....

Sanaa's POV:

So many things happened after that moment. That special forbidden moment that had occurred between Prince and I. We definitely didn't look at each other the same. Of course it was the first time we had been intimate with each other but it definitely wasn't the last. I had ended up teaching him so many new things. So many tricks and at first he was extremely hesitant to for take in any of it. But after a while it didn't take long to persuade him, he was after all a young man. Still maturing. Still developing. Of course, the fear of getting caught would always cross my mind but I made sure to be careful wherever we were.  In the privacy of my bedroom.

The guestroom.

Bathroom shower.

Kitchen counters.

Backseat of my white thunderbird.

The cream colored sofa downstairs.

The stairs itself....

Closet underneath all the clothes...

Oh my God.

As the years went by he had gotten much more sure of himself and of what he wanted. He had became such a pro at the art of teasing and pleasure.

Those slender fingers of his weren't just good for painting and drawing anymore.

The talent in the way he'd move his tongue....I had taught him all of it but my God, was he quick to catch on, sometimes catching up quicker than me. I think the best part though was indeed his hips were... goodness how does one even describe those powerful thrusts of his?  I was so hooked it was genuinely embarrassing. He was definitely an emotional lover. Any way he was feeling, any type of emotion building up in his soul would result in the way our sex sessions would go. If he was angry? God I'd definitely feel it. If he was upset? Anxious? His actions was go in slow motion but his happiness was my drug. It was addicting having him fill up my depths.

However that shyness was still instilled in his character and to be honest, I believed it would always be there but something was also changing deep within as well. I could feel it. He could feel it and the thought was slowly scaring me to the core....

He was drifting away from me.

When that had began, it was to be expected, he was a young man after all and wanted to explore the world outside of my suburban house in sunny California. I should've been prepared for the thought of him wanting to leave and start his own life. I sensed the slight change in him right before his graduation. By the time his eighteenth birthday hit he was definitely ready.

"What could you possibly want out there?"

"I don't want to mooch off of you forever! It's time for me to move on...live my own life the way I want to, San"

His voice. God it never failed to do something to me everytime.

I didn't even think he noticed it either.  I couldn't possibly imagine what it'd be like not being able to hear that soft tenor daily in my ear anymore.

Hearing his chuckles, his sighs, those beautiful moans of his...even the way he'd curse under his breath with such innocence shook me to my core. The feelings that I had developed for him over our time together, the feelings I still had for him were dangerous in itself. It would never work out anyway and I just had to learn to accept it.

I had been his teacher in the art of seduction, his guardian in a way and that's all it'll ever be.

I'll never forget the utter pain I felt in my heart when I had gotten home that later afternoon to find that it was eeriely quiet. My heart wanted to fall out of my chest at the sight of seeing the room that once belonged to him completely empty and done to perfection. No traces of him anywhere. He had gone and I didn't know where.

Intoxication.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon