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Sanaa's POV:

There was a silence that settled over us in the living room as Prince simply stared at me. There was something in his look, I couldn't put a name o it but it definitely made me feel...Something.

"I'm really sorry about what happened back there. Just...Fuck them okay?" I spoke and he gave a nod, proceeding to take slow steps towards where I was toward the front door. I had just finished locking it. "S-Sanaa?" His voice came out full with hesitant and vulnerability, his eyes now focused on the ground. "Hm?" I felt my breath get caught in my throat once those beautiful orbs of his caught mine. "Thank you. For everything you've done for me these past few months. I, I wish I could show you how greatful I am..." His voice trailed off as he nibbled on his bottom lip.

Licking my own lips I replied quickly. "It's fine. Get some rest okay?" I tried to walk away but he touched my arm ever so gently instantly making me freeze. "You, you looked absolutely beautiful tonight...You always do..." He confessed shyly, his cheeks reddening as he gave a little smile. "Thank you..." I whispered as the silence settled back over us again only this time it wasn't as awkward. It was comfortable. I found myself​ taking a real good look at his face, the natural arch of his eyebrows to his eyes which now had a greenish tint to them underneath the dim lighting, followed by resting finally on his lips. Parted ever so slightly and plump. It was at that moment his eyes were also locked on mine as well, both of us seemingly in a trance. "This... It's from when you fell" I murmured, letting my hand brush over the purplish bruise that adorned his chin. Taking a step closer I examined it more closely and he let out a shaky sigh, his cool breath coming in contact with my lips. "Does it hurt?" He shook his head, licking his lips slowly. "No...Not anymore." His voice came out in a whisper, lips now inches away from my own.

By now my heart was wanting to burst out of my chest. My mind was screaming "NO" but I blocked it out as I hesitantly leaned in, my lips barely brushing against his and a quiet gasp escaped his mouth, his entire body going rigid. Turning my head, I pressed my lips against his more firmly and to my surprise I found him responding back, his lips moving ever so hesitantly and cautiously against mine. "Just relax..." I softly replied and he sighed, resting his forehead against mine.

Slowly lifting up his head again Prince then leaned in to kiss my lips, using his hand to touch my cheek. Stopping mid kiss I also felt his teeth gently tug at my bottom lip, the simple gesture causing an accidental soft moan to release from me and he laughed a little before pulling away. "Sorry. I um, I had seen that in a movie o-once" he spoke with a boyish innocence, running a hand threw his hair, his eyes met with mine again sheepishly.

Did we really just kiss?
I just made out with a student.
Did I really just...Oh my God.

Clearing my throat, I tried to shake the now forbidden thought swirling around in my head but it was impossible to ignore.  I could also tell Prince seemed somewhat in conflict with himself too. "Mrs. Lathan... We shouldn't be- no this isn't right" he shook his head, running another hand through his straightened hair again. In his hazel orbs was a look of pure worry and fear but also one of the same emotions that I had been feeling at that point: desire.

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