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Sanaa gave a small smile, opening the door wider while Prince mumbled a "Thank you" briskly walking inside. Immediately the smell of pasta and garlic hit his nostrils, making his stomach grumble. It smelled delicious. "I made chicken Alfredo with some garlic bread sticks. It's just about done. Why don't you wash your hands and I'll fix our plates?" Prince quickly nodded before heading into the bathroom located on the corner. After washing his hands in the dark, he flipped on the light switch, his eyes gazing into his reflection. He shook his head of the already ugly thoughts over his appearance, walking out.

Sanaa's back was to him in the kitchen, pulling out a large pitcher of iced tea. "Go ahead and dig in! I hope it's okay. I've been told I'm a pretty good cook!" She spoke, opening up the wooden cabinet to pull out two cups. Prince quietly took a seat in the chair, his eyes scanning over the food. His mouth was literally watering. He had actually forgotten how hungry he was. Even though he had an urge to dig in and devour, like an animal, he patently waited for Sanaa to also sit down, watching her as she pulled the garlic bread sticks out of the oven. He found his eyes scanning over her attaire.

She was dressed in black pants and a light blue t shirt, her tresses up in a messy topknot, a few strands falling in the front. The pants she wore hugged her figure perfectly, making her curves visible and Prince, being a guy, couldn't help but notice it. Suddenly Sanaa turned around causing him to freeze on the spot. His cheeks reddened and his head whipped down to meet with the untouched food on his plate.

"How come you're not eating?" She tried to hide the laughter due to him openly checking her out moments earlier. "I, I was waiting until you sat d-down too" his vision was still focused on his food as she took a seat across from him. After saying a quick prayer, the two began to eat quietly. Sanaa closely watched for Prince's reaction once the food touched his lips. He sighed, giving a big smile. "This is absolutely delicious!" She had to chuckle at that. It reminded her so much of a child. "Why thank you! It's definitely one of my favorite dishes to make"

"So you'd really want me to live here...With you?" His voice was soft while he chewed on his bread stick. Sanaa took a sip of her iced tea, setting the cup back down on the table. "I just want to help you out. You're a very good student, Prince. I'm sure there's tons of colleges asking for you already?" Prince nodded. "I've been applying for scholarships. We don't have the funds for me to go far away..." "Have you been thinking about where you wanna attend?" "There's this music school I've been thinking about. It's in Minnesota..." His trailed off.  "You're into music?" Sanaa was genuinely interested now, sticking her fork into her pasta. Prince nodded. She thought he was going to say more but he only remained quiet, finishing up the rest of his meal.

"Did you want me to help with the dishes?" He asked, following behind her to place the plates in the sink. "Oh no sweetie that's alright I can do it" She quickly turned on the facuet, pulling out the blue dish detergent. Prince stood awkwardly behind her, twisting around his fingers. She called me sweetie? Nelson don't start. "Actually..." She turned over her shoulder before handing him a rag. "Would you mind drying them for me if that's alright?" "Sure" He then scooted to the side next to her.

Once they finished putting away the dishes, they now sat in living room, the television on some mindless movie however neither had been watching. They were engrossed in conversation on the sofa. Sanaa was surprised at how Prince was slowly starting to open up. Of course she could sense his hesitance still but underneath all that shyness and vulnerability was a funny kind young man. She realized that she definitely liked to see him smile, it seemed to light up his entire face.

"So why is his name Paisley then if he's a boy?" Sanaa had tucked her legs underneath each other on the sofa. There was a good amount of space between the two as they sat. They had been talking about his cat. Laughing a bit, Prince dusted some imaginary dirt off his pants. "Well when I got him, I had no idea he was a boy. I honestly assumed he was a girl kitten at first. I decided to keep his name the same" Sanaa gave a nod, her eyes trailing over to the film on the screen. "Is this Friday The 13th?" His voice interrupted her thoughts. "I didn't even know...I just flipped the channel on. You've seen it?" By now his eyes were focused on the screen. "I've seen it before. It's pretty good. But gory..." All of his attention was focused on it now. He was leaning forward on the sofa, his arms resting comfortably on his thighs, hands clasped together.

"Here let me make some popcorn" she got up heading for the kitchen. After placing the popcorn in a large bowl, she returned, setting it down on the coffee table. "Help yourself" she whispered, seeing that he was still completely absorbed in the horror film.  "Thank you" he replied quickly, reaching down to grab a handful. Sanaa grabbed some herself, sighing as the buttery goodness hit her mouth. Chewing, she found herself wincing a bit at the seeing the Jason Vortheess character chop up one the teenagers. 'How can anyone watch this? I don't remember it being this gory...' Sanaa grimiced trying not to turn her head away.
"I wish I could do that to Dominic and his crew..." Prince's mumbled lowly while he stopped eating the popcorn, his eyes seemed much darker.

"Have they been bothering you-" He shook his head, licking the butter off his lips. "I had gotten away from them earlier...I um, I hid in the garbage" Immediately he started to go back into his shy she'll, his shoulders beginning to slump and he slowly leaned back against the cushion of the dark sofa. Before Sanaa could respond, the doorbell rang causing them both to jump slightly. "Hm I wasn't expecting any visitors?" She got up to go to the front door. Her smile fell when she opened the door.

All the color drained from Prince's face, his heart pounding hard. "M-Mom?" He immediately jumped up quick from the couch, making the bowl of popcorn drop to the carpet.

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