oO Chapter 1 Oo

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"(y/n), are you even paying attention to me?" Sasha waved a hand in front of my face and I looked up from my phone screen. We were at my house, just hanging out. I lived on my own, most of the time. My parents had died the year before, and left me a bunch of stuff, including their house. In case you thought it was anything terrible, I wasn't all that close with my parents. They never really took the time to take care of me, and they always left me with relatives, so I wasn't really sad when they died. Sasha stayed over a lot, to keep me company though...and to raid my kitchen. The girl has an unnatural love for food.

"Hm? Oh, sorry! I was distracted." I smiled sheepishly. 

"What're you doing?" Sasha asked, sidling up to me and leaning on my arm to see my phone screen. 

"I'm playing Genshin!" I said, happily showing her my screen and smiling. "I just finished one of my daily commissions, and I finally have enough primogems to get one of those wish thingies. I already have nine of them, I just needed this one for a ten pull."

"Ah." Sasha said, sitting down properly, making herself comfortable on my sofa. "Is there a character you want?"

I snorted. "Oh, so many. I'm trying to get Diluc specifically right now, though. I need a pyro character, and he's one of the best."

"Is he hard to get?"

"You have no idea, Sasha." I laughed. "I've been trying to get him for months. So far, I've gotten almost everyone except him. This stubborn jerk refuses to come home."

"Oof, that sucks." She said. "Hey, why don't you play on the PS4? It'll be easier for me to see then. And besides, you already stare at a screen twenty four seven. Small screens aren't good for your eyesight."

"Yes, mother." I said teasingly, getting up and turning the TV and PS4 on.

"Good child." She said, playing along with it, patting my head. I chuckled and grabbed the controller from the wide cabinet the TV sat on top of.  "Hey, do you have any snacks?"

"Hmm, they should be in the kitchen." I said, keeping my eyes trained on the screen, waiting for it to load. "That is, if you haven't eaten them all yet."

"Oh, come on! I can't have gone through them that fast!" Sasha exclaimed from the kitchen.

"Oh well." I teased. "I guess you'll have to go snack-less."

"Unacceptable." Sasha whined. "We have to go get more. Immediately."


"Right now."

"Ugh, fine." I groaned. There was no getting between this girl and her food. Only an idiot with a death wish would do that. "At least let me put this thing to update first. I haven't used it for a while, so the version I have installed is outdated."

"Alright." Sasha smiled brightly, acting as though she hadn't been ready to pounce on me five seconds ago. "It can update while we're gone. It'll only take like, ten minutes or so."

"By the way, I'm putting you on a budget, missy." I said, setting down the controller on the sofa and slipping on my converses. "I can't have you trying to buy up the entire shop again."

"It was one time!" Sasha exclaimed, throwing her hands up. 

"Yeah, one time too many." I smiled. "What were you even thinking?"

"I don't know." Sasha said, looking away and crossing her arms. "It was just calling to me."

"Heh, remind me never to trust you with money ever again."



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