oO Chapter 42 Oo

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"Hey, Lumi! Paimon!" I waved, smiling. I was still situated in Wangshu inn with Xiao at the moment, for my training. Much to Sasha's dismay, she had to go back to Mondstadt so she could focus on her own training, since she insisted on helping out. She'd also picked up a job at Diluc's tavern for the time being, so there's that too.

"Hi, (n/n)!" Paimon exclaimed, zipping over. She was a little over excited, but I didn't mind.

"Hey, (y/n)." Lumine smiled, coming over more calmly. "How's the training going?"

"Good!" I smiled with my eyes closed. "I feel like I'm gonna die!"

Lumine giggled, pushing her hair back. "It'll get better with practice, I promise. Xiao isn't too harsh, I hope?"

"Hm? Oh no, he's a great teacher, I'm just a horrible student." I chuckled. "It's a miracle he hasn't stabbed me yet. Ooh, also, I wanted to ask when we leave for Inazuma?"

"Ah, that." Lumine sighed. "I'd like to leave as soon as possible, honestly. Apparently, we're on a timeframe here."

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Aether told us after everyone left." Paimon said. "Tevyat only has two more months before it's too far gone to recover!"

I froze. "We...only have two months? That's eight weeks! How are we meant to cover five different archons in that kind of time limit?!"

"That's exactly what Paimon said!" the little fairy said loudly.

"We should leave, like, right now!" I said hurriedly. "We don't have any time to waste!"

"Hold on, (n/n), chill for a moment." Lumine put both her hands on my shoulders, stilling my frantic movement. "It was hard enough to make Paimon calm down the first time. Relax."

I took a deep breath. "You want me to relax after hearing that?

"I know it's shocking, but we have to be level headed and rational about this. Rushing in and messing things up won't do us any good." Lumine explained gently. "I've already secured transportation to Inazuma with Beidou."

I sighed. "Well...that's a start, I guess...did you have to compete in a tournament for it?"

"Yeah." Lumine nodded, dropping her hands from my shoulders, instead opting to gently hold one of my hands. "I even met this boy from Inazuma. His name was Kazuha."

"Ah, I know him." I said, coming down from my anxious state. "Literally the entire fandom has a crush on him."

"Do you?" A voice came from behind us suddenly. I jumped a little bit at the proximity of the sound and turned around swiftly to see Xiao standing behind me with his arms crossed.

"Holy heck, Xiao, don't do that!" I exclaimed. "How long have you been there?"

"I came in at 'his name was Kazuha'."

"Ah, so you basically missed all the important stuff." I said, amusement lacing my voice. "For example, apparently, we only have two months before Tevyat is dead!"

"What?" Xiao scowled.

"Yeah, we have a total of eight weeks to convince five different archons in five different nations to help us!"

"Deep breaths, (n/n)." Lumine reminded me, squeezing my hand reassuringly. 

"What was Aether thinking?!" I exclaimed, running a hand through my already messy hair. "Okay, listen, when does Beidou leave?"

"As soon as we're ready." Lumine confirmed.

I inhaled sharply, closing my eyes and trying to wrap my head around the information I'd just been given. I opened them quickly and stood up, putting my hands on my hips like I meant business. Which I did. "Here's what we're going to do. I aim to get us on that ship by nightfall, so Xiao and I will get Zhongli from Liyue harbour, and, Lumine, you'll get Kaeya and Albedo. That okay?"

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