oO Chapter 26 Oo

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"(n/n)!" Hu Tao exclaimed, bouncing over to me as I entered  the living room. She'd just come in from outside, where we had a little private garden type thing and sliding glass doors. "What do you think?" She asked, giggling as she twirled, showing me her dress. She wore a pretty black dress, though it wasn't formal. It was light and flowy and could have passed as a summer dress, had it not been black.

"Gorgeous, as always!" I giggled.

"Aw, thank you!" Hu Tao smiled. She seemed even more excited than usual. "You look good too! But, I have a small improvement..."

She laughed mischeviously and tucked a red flower behind my ear. "I found it outside! Isn't it pretty?"

"Hehe, thank you, Hu Tao." I smiled, tilting my head a little so that the flower wouldn't fall off.

"Ooh, also, I wanted to ask you something."

"Shoot." I said, inviting her to ask as many questions as she liked.

"What does smut mean?"

I froze up immediately, staring at her. "Eh?"

"Lumine and I were exploring the internet alongside Albedo, and we saw that word and our names, but we don't know what it means." Hu Tao explained. "Is it good?"

"I think I need to restrict your internet access." I mumbled. "It's nothing important."

"Lies!" Childe exclaimed, sneaking up on me. "I've done some internet exploration myself, (n/n)."

"Oh, gods, please no..." I muttered, face palming. 

"Our, ahem, fandom really likes us, don't they?" Childe teased. "You included!"

"I'm sorry?" I asked, my head shooting up. Panic surged forward and I fought down the gut instinct to run.

"I found your....what's it called...pinterest? Yeah, I found your pinterest account!" Childe smiled, knowing exactly how much he was antagonising me. "I must say, you have the quite the interest in us!"

"Sir, the kitchen is right there, I will stab you if you keep taking risks." I warned.

"Xiao, in particular." Childe continued, completely ignoring me. "How many pins did you save to his board? Five hundred?"

"Okay, that's enough out of you!" I smiled passive aggressively, covering his mouth and thanking the gods that Hu Tao, Childe and I were the only ones down here.


"Ahh, that was mortifying!" I mumbled, leaning aginst Hu Tao. I'd successfully gotten Childe to shut up. Don't ask how, I'm not sure how I managed it either.

"I still don't know what smut means, but based on your reaction, I think it's probably better I don't know." She smiled, teasing me.

"Hu Tao, honey, trust me, you want nothing to do with the Genshin Impact fandom, or just fan culture in general." I sighed. "Especially since a lot of the content in the Genshin fandom features you."

"That kinda sounds fun." Hu Tao shrugged. "But I'll take your word for it! What is our fandom like, anyway?"

"Well, like any fandom, it has its...dark parts...but for the most part, most people I've met are fun and sweet." I explained. "But, ah, there's also the part of the fandom that have hopeless crushes on all of you."

"Ooh~" Hu Tao giggled. "Are you in that part of the fandom?"

"I mean, that should be evident." I chuckled. 

"Who's the most popular character?" Hu Tao asked. "Like, the fan favourite?"

"I don't know, actually." I said. "A lot of fans tend to like Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya and Diluc. The other half tends to prefer Xiao, Venti, Albedo and Scaramouche, so like... It depends, I guess."

"And you?" Hu Tao smirked. "Who's your favourite?"

"That's a very good question." I conceded. "I don't have favourites. I do, however, tend to hyperfixate on one character heavily at a time, but it varies a lot."

"What a diplomatic answer~" Hu Tao giggled. "You know, if your world was fictional, you'd be my favourite character~"

I felt my face heat up and I smiled, looking away. "Tha-thanks, Hu Tao." I mumbled, trying very hard to hide the obnoxious smile on my face.

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