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Maur finally returned at eleven beat.
-Babe lets get you ready for bed after you go check in on Hope. Jane said she would take my shift so we could both sleep good tonight. She knew you would come home beat and would only sleep if I was in bed with you. We can close our door and sleep like we normally do. Did you eat dinner? If not the cook made salmon tonight with mango salad. He thought you would be here so yours is in the oven staying warm. If not, I will put it away. Let me check on my mother and I will eat than take a shower to cuddle.
Earlier tonight, Gigi didn't make it back like she had planned. The network called a special meeting on how they were going to be dealing with a strike and while the writers and crew were on strike what they expected from everyone else. Gigi had text me apologizing. I was sorta upset but knew unexpected things happen in my line of work and I need to give her the same understanding I expect my other patients when am emergency surgery requires my assistant to have the staff reschedule appointments and surgeries. Gigi returns back to my mother's home a little after Maura beat and exhausted, since her day started at 6.30 this morning at it was already after eleven.
- Cait I have the next several days off. I have to stay close by just om case the strike is over. I am also to stay away from things that will look bad on me. I will need to use your Porsche so the paparazzi doesn't recognize my vehicle to do some errands and afterwards stay here and not go anywhere. Gigi no problem. I just need you near me when I sleep. I sleep better when I am stressed and know you are next to me. I can easily do that. Let me take a shower and make myself something to eat than I am all yours.

GIGI takes a shower and is making herself a sandwich with some strawberries and water. Gigi there is salmon in the oven for you. I forgot to tell you. No, I prefer a sandwich. Salmon to me is only good when its fresh and popping hot.

I remove the salmon from the oven and place it in the refrigerator with a note
Open for anyone to eat. I wrap my arms around her.
-Thank you for being here with me and dealing with all of this. Cait I love you and would almost do anything for you .By the way do you know if Deb got the box of Calvin klein boxers I had sent here instead of their place? She didn't say anything. We can ask her tomorrow. Gigi and I went to my old bedroom. Gigi was cuddling and talking to me than all of sudden I heard her snoring . Gigi was exhausted.
Hope is having a nightmare and is fighting with someone in her sleep. I just observe and note it in the journal we have been using for the counselor. I didn't know Hope was a prisoner of war. No one said anything.
I say outloud. Thank you for your service and I am glad you made it safely back. If it wasn't for you and Paddy, I would not have my best friend. again thank you.
- Your very welcome Jane. I am glad I made it back even though it wasn't easy.
I am sorry if I woke you up Hope. No dear, I was waking up from a nightmare when I heard you. I didn't want tp interrupt nor scare you. Jane will you do something for me? Sure what can I do for you? Just lay next to me and hold me until I fall back to sleep. If you go to sleep, its okay. Your body probably needs sleep too. I get into Hope's bed and just hold her. Hope starts to cry. Jane I really disliked the war and didn't agree with our president but serving your country you have no choice. Hope that is understandable. There are so many times we shouldn't of been there and so many horrendous events and so many lives lost because mainly due to politics.
Hope eventually fell asleep. I must of nodded off because I was woken by Maura.
How sweet my best friend holding my mother. I wake up Jane.

-Jane you can go to bed to sleep with Sam now while she still is asleep. It's still early. I wrote down in the journal. She was having a nightmare and fighting in her sleep. I never knew your mother was a POW. Yeah, she doesn't like to talk about it. I am glad you were able to reassure and just held her. Your mother asked me to do. I fell asleep on the job. SORRY about that. It's okay, go to sleep babe.
I get up and hug Maura and leave to my temporary bedroom.
I start removing the old bandage and clean up the residue from the adhesive from the bandage. Hope wakes up.
-Hope you won't need the bandage anymore as long as the stitches don't open up. You are healing well. Jane told me you had a bad nightmare from being a POW. I am sorry you still have those dreams. Me too Maura but its just the way it is. Is anyone else awake? I am not sure. Good you both are awake. Morning Gigi. Morning to you both. Hope I would like your permission to ask your daughter's hand in
marriage. Of course you can dear. I now will be honored to have another daughter. Hope hugs me. Gigi I am so happy for you and my sister. Is there anything we can do to help? No, just be at the park at eleven with everyone and don't eat. Please tell the cook to cook only for him and the two cleaning ladies. please don't say anything to anyone which includes Deb. I am off to go pick up her ring and have the park set up..see you at eleven.
We hug Gigi and she leaves. Hope and I don't say anything but giggle and hug.

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