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I woke up early and woke my wife Jane up. -Babe we need to make breakfast and leave our condo in a few or we will get stuck in the bay area traffic again.
Jane got up and we got dressed and took our english muffins with sausage and coffee with us. We still got stuck in traffic but at least this time we weren't late. We met with the rappers, country singers, NBA players as well as some homeless vets. I explained to the vets this campaign is not to exploit but to bring out more awareness.
- Our hope is to get more housing, food, job opportunities. medical help besides the veterans hospitals free to vets.
Several big veteran agencies agreed with us that we are not exploiting them.
Ms. Rizzoli Houghs have hired several veterans as well as Dr.
Maura Isles. They are not just preaching. Ludicris and Stephen Curry give back to the homeless monthly.

We set the campaign to begin in September but start the talk now, since September is only two weeks out.
-I have with the help in everyone in this room have found local photographers, educators and stores to donate clothes, help them learn how to answer questions in job interviews. I wish had someone back than to help me. I was nervous. You can ask my wife.

We set up the shoots. The singer's left to several parks well known in San Francisco to raise funds for the homeless population to get them housing. Ludicris and Brad took care of opening bank accounts and had their wives overseeing to pay for homes, condos, apartments or studios. We were afraid if any agency took it over, they would use most to pay salaries and this isn't what we wanted.
social media jumped on putting magazines out for September right away to help us after Reba and Blake spoke with them. Reba brought to my condo the magazines.
-Reba this is fantastic. Reba my hope is all states can do this. Practically every state has a celebrity who can help out.

 Practically every state has a celebrity who can help out

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This is only the beginning

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This is only the beginning. We all have our own businesses to run so we can do this maybe a couple times a year. Jane we already started it in Nashville and I know my buddies in Texas , North Carolina have begun too. You all are doing well in California and Massachusetts. Five is a good start but more cities need to jump in.
Samantha brings some tea and a few snacks..
- Jane you are here one more week. My son is hoping to get nascar to jump in too
.He has several drivers ready to start a campaign too. Your brother in.law has been in contact with Jeff so nascar agreed to run commercials as well.as donate 10% of sales tickets and snack bar proceeds to the cause for housing. If it gets too big, we may have to hire people which none of us want that. We just need to have trust worthy volunteers.

********************** Authors note...just think if embezzlement, salaries didn't have to be paid. The veterans would get so much needed help. They gave up their time for each one of us and now come back and many homeless which they dont want.

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