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Today was the early Martin first all females breakfast and later on the Rizzoli dinner.

Everyone was at my house by nine in the morning. I woke up at seven and made egg nog french toast, local thick smoke bacon, fresh mixed fruit, with cappuccinos. The platters was filled with us to get how much we wanted when everyone arrived.
-ah mom the last time you made egg nog was when I was a teen but where did you egg nog its not in season? An old friend of mine who owns a dairy made some especially for me. I hope the rest of you enjoy.
I could tell my mother was enjoying this breakfast. We ate like pigs. We told Hope to rest. We would clean up and she just relax with her daughters. Cait grabbed my hand.
-You are staying. You became one of her girls when I accepted your proposal. I think they have enough to do the dishes. What have you decided to make for dinner? Well my brothers and I are going to make grilled lemon chicken like our mother taught us. Maura is making my nani Rizzoli ravioli which she will have to start by two. Caitlyn and Gigi this recipe is a good recipe to learn to make. Its just time consuming. The reason we only make it on Sundays or a special event. Joey said he is making grilled shrimp kabobs. Deb chimes in I am making fresh bread the old fashioned way. Ladies I brought what I need so hurry up so I can start. Hope says , I came across an old family recipe for Gelato. Maura once you finish the ravioli prep, I would like you to learn it. If I go to fast let me know. cooking I am not that cautious as I am with my patients. I can attest to that sis. Oh hush, I am not that bad. Mom I recall you making lemon meringue and bourbon fudge one year. Dad and I left the kitchen, you weren't teaching, you were barking orders. COME to think of it that was the last time I allowed you to teach me how to bake or cook.
We all chuckled. OKAY ladies, the kitchen is clean only for you to mess it up again.
Sam said I volunteered not to cook just do the dishes afterwards. I am bringing the beverages. I am still learning and don't want to poison anyone especially doctors. It wouldn't look good for my future in laws poisoned by Gigi, well known former model now talk show host. Deb I forgot to ask you. Did you ever get the box of Calvin Klein boxers and I hope they all fit you. I chose several different styles for you. Yes, I am sorry for not telling you thank you with everything. No need to explain I understand. Deb starts the dough and puts a towel and leaves it in Hope's laundry room because od the heat from the dryer. I am not sure how that helps, but Deb said that is how her grandma Williams taught her. I am done. am going swimming. Maur you ready to join me? No not even close enjoy the water without me babe. Gigi you up. Sure I want to talk to you about something anyway.
Gigi got into her bathing suit.
- Deb have you chosen a month to get married yet. I was thinking this coming February we can have a double wedding. The network is paying for everything. I will have to think about it. I will let you know. I am not that all public kinda person and still have difficulties going with Maur to some of her events. I am more of t-shirt, sweat pants, shorts, yoga pants kinda gal. Deb you can still be that and wardrobe can make you something you would feel comfortable to wear. Just let me know but not too long. NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW. WE CAN EVEN DO IT AS A SURPRISE FOR MAURA. EVERYONE WILL BASICALLY BE THERE ALREADY FOR CAIT AND I. Gigi you would make a a good sales person..why wonder you did well in modeling not just for your looks and your show.
Gigi chuckles and blushes.
-Deb are you hitting on my fiance? No, not even close to that. I chose you two long time ago no more for me even though I enjoyed myself with you Cait. Shhh my mother doesn't know nor needs to know. My lips are sealed. Deb why are your lips sealed? Hope its a surprise down the road. Gigi smiles. Maura asked me to get Gigi so she could learn how to make the pasta and filling for the ravioli.

Gigi learned how to make ravioli and gelato.
-Hope this is good. Jane will eat it all. Better hide it from her before dinner. Are you serious. Hope , Sam and Deb say in unison, Yes. Caitlyn help me put it in the freezer.

The guys showed up and Tommy handed us the photos sizes we requested and even bought black frames for them. Hope instantly left the kitchen. She told us she put it up in her office.

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