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I was eager to see my fellow platoon and their families. The paparazzi was a little overwhelming but Sam, Gigi and my daughter Maura just handled them like pros. Maura and Sam had their chefs make up extra food boxed up with cheese cake and carrot cake to go after what we served them
along with hygiene items. I was so proud of my family and their gals for doing this and for catching up with my still living platoon and their families. I invited them over after we served and ate with the homeless many were veterans.

 I invited them over after we served and ate with the homeless many were veterans

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This was how my backyard looked the next day. We all slept well that night even after Cait, Gigi, Maura, Deb, Jane and Sam walked into the kitchen for breakfast looking exhausted.
-I am glad to see you all made it for a late breakfast. I left a note for the cook to make a late breakfast and the ladies to start with the pool area to give you gals time to recuperate. After last night, I will be hiring a contractor to make all the guest bedroom sound proof.
I laughed when I saw them all blushed.
We ate waffles, bacon and bowl of fruit for our late breakfast with pineapple juice, and lots of coffee.
-The cook and cleaning ladies will have the afternoon off. The cook will return at four to begin dinner. I thought all need some much needed nap time. My counselor will.be here shortly.
We ate our breakfast and my counselor came.
- I see you all survived. I saw in the tabloids and on the news all your good work of serving the homeless and your platoon and their families there. How do you feel today Hope. I am tired but feel rejuvenated with seeing the platoon and their families and all the people faces when we served them. It brought back memories of Vietnam but not bad ones. I was grateful for all what my gals and friends did for our homeless population. As you know many are veterans. Sam and Maura even had their chefs make extra food boxed items with hygiene items. I am happy both my daughter's have loved ones who truly have gals who loved them even their side partners too. I am proud of them all. I am tired of a long day and early morning but it was worth it. We all will be taking naps for sure. Hope I have been seeing lots of progress. I still want to see your but you will drive yourself to next week appointment and we will go from there. I am cutting today's session short so you can enjoy your much needed nap.
We got up and went inside.
-You gals did exceptional work yesterday. As s veteran thank you. I already seen your food boxed items and hygiene items early this morning. I only wish people would do this more than one time. Hope can have her vehicle keys and office keys back. Hope will drive herself next week to see me and we will go from there. Again thank you ladies.
We all looked at one another. a
Jane spoke up first. Next week, I will ask other photographers including myself to donate their time twice a year to take photos of the homeless population and return to give them their photos. Sam spoke next and Maura chimed in. We will have our chefs cook once a week boxed and hygiene items. We can each do at least 300 boxes for the rest of this year and see how it goes and re evaluate from there. Cait said, I can donate my services once a month at the VA hospital, Maura said the same. Hope already donates her services every two weeks at the VA hospital.
-Thank you the homeless which includes man veterans will definitely appreciate it. I better get going so I can see others.

Maura, Sam, Cait and Jane got on their laptops emailing photographers, and their staff stating the plans and for it be effective starting next
We all headed to a much needed sleep. None of did nothing but sleep. The cook's aroma of jambayla is what ended waking us all up. Today was his and the two cleaning ladies last days.
Hope asked them to sit down with us to eat. We brought the kitchen and dining table together.
-Maura says, I have enjoyed your cooking. I would like to offer you and the ladies jobs at the Boston Marriott Hotel. I have already sent Human Resource your contact information. PLEASE show up on Monday by 8.30 to start your orientation and jobs. Here is a print out what each of your job will entail as well as your salaries. I don't know your schedules. If interested, please fill out this application and sign the contract. I will fax this over or I mean Hope will since none of us go in her office. The courier will come by to get the hard copies. Maura you are welcome to use the fax machine. I apologize for not wanting anyone in my home office. It won't be that way as long as I don't have confidential files out. My girlfriend and Caitlyn smiled. We ate dinner and went for an evening walk. We gave Hope back her keys. Tonight would be our last night here. We would return on Sunday morning to have breakfast and later make dinner for the Rizzoli dinner.

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