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The next morning I wake up to Paparazzi in front of our home. I text Gigi. 'This has gotten out of hand. see you tonight ' I go outside and give them a quote and tell them to leave the property and cops have been called. A few of the paparazzi jumped the fence. I take photos of them so the cops will know who to arrest and return inside
I text Maur. 'BABE SOME OF THE PAPARAZZI JUMPED THE FENCE. I AM WAITING FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TO ARRIVE. I GAVE THEM A QUOTE AND TOOK A PICTURE OF THE IDIOTS WHO JUMPED THE FENCE.' 'Deb I am so sorry. Yeah, they interrupted the conference too. More security was hired. I will hire security for our home and business. love you gotta go. Just be patient and don't let the anger ger the best of you babe.'
BOSTON PD beat cops arrive. I forward them the photos I took.
-I want these jerks arrested. Ms. Williams we know you are concealed carrier. We were happy to see you didn't pull your gun out on them. You and I both know if I do I will have my permit revoked. If they come in my home and come at me that is another story. We know these three and they will be arrested. Hang in there. Hopefully, this will be over soon. Me too.
I stay inside and just hang out being a prisoner in my own home. Fuck this. I get in my car and drive to my mother's law firm.
-Aye darling, I see you making the news. What do I need to do for you? You normally don't show up without calling. Mom this sucks sorry for the word usage but it does. These jerks some even jumped the fence. I took photos and the officers will arrest these three. Is there anything legal I can do? Deb I wish there really something. You can get a restraining order but you have to know their names and their residence or business address for them to be served and even that won't stop that and they know it. Just be careful and don't give them reasons to continue to follow you. I text Maur. She said they interrupted the medical conference and the hotel hired additional security. She is hiring security for our home and business. I am working from home the rest of this week. Deb it seems you and Maura have everything covered. I love you came by but court is calling me. love you. Thanks mom. Love you too. I drive to the grocery store and just ignore the flashes. I shove a few paparazzi out of my way and go inside to the grocery store to pick up this week and next week groceries with a case of cold beer and head to the bakery to get a velvet cake. I FINALLY made home. The security Maur hired were waiting for me.
-Ms. Williams let us help you with these. We need to come inside to get the inside areas we need to maybe be inside. We are not sure yet. Ms. Isles told us to do whatever is necessary. We already have plain clothes outside. The Police Department came by earlier to inform you the three have been arrested but will be out soon once they are bailed out. Unfortunately, they have a revolving door and they know it. We understand Gigi will be staying here at times per Ms. Isles. We will do our best to keep them away and off your property. Here is my number if you need anything else from us. Thank you Dean. Dean and one other went around checking inside the home. Ms. Williams inside is more secured than most which is good. Dean and his colleague left. I unpacked the groceries. Gigi showed up and was glad to see security.
-Gigi wash up so we can start with the prep. Here is an apron. We will start with the chicken on the grill and season it. I already started the charcoal instead of the gas grill.
I turn on the music outside and we are listening to jazz. Gigi brings out us some cold beer. I take a swig. Gigi turns the chicken over and we go inside to start the Jasmine rice and steam broccoli.
- okay tonights dinner is easy. Using the steam over the rice for the broccoli, brilliant idea. Gigi you watch the rice and stir it a little. I will be back with the chicken. Deb I didn't want to say it in a text. First, giving quotes to the media only gives them more ammunition. Second, you are right, last night and now I am wet for you. Gigi I am sorry what I said is true.
Gigi gets up and comes close to me. I take a big swig of second beer.
- Deb I won't give up on you and plan to tell Cait when she returns. Gigi NO, YOU WILL BLOW MY LIFE APART. MAUR AND I ARE BARELY IN A GOOD PLACE IN OUR RELATIONSHIP. I KNOW I WAS WITH YOU AND SHOULD OF STOPPED BUT DIDN'T. I WILL ADMIT I DO HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU. LAST NIGHT WHEN I WENT SWIMMING WAS TO COOL MY EMOTIONS. I LEFT BECAUSE I KNEW I WOULD GIVE INTO MY FEELINGS. WHY NOT JUST GO WITH IT? Gigi I am spread thin as it is. The others will not be happy me when they find out about us. Please leave. I cannot be around you anymore. Deb I won't leave and we are not over.
I yanked Deb from the table and kissed her. Deb reciprocated and didn't stop.
-Gigi please go or I will forcefully throw you out and it be on the news. Fine I will leave but this is far from over.

Gigi leaves speeding out and I lock the door and turn the alarm.
-What's up Deb? I fucked up big time. I slept with Gigi and what they are saying is not all lies. I need to fly down there and tell her in person. I may need a place to crash once I tell her. Deb damn you did fuck up. Samantha what did Deb do? Put me on speaker. Jane what the media reported is half truth. I stopped the night before the picnic photo. She came onto me again and plans on telling Caitlyn. The paparazzi probably will have a field day now. She sped out of here and told her I wasn't going further and not say anything to Caitlyn. I am flying in tomorrow morning but leaving late here. I need to be honest with Maur and Caitlyn together. I fucked up and may lose more than my personal life. I have already taken the rest of the week off and JUST working from home. Deb yeah you did fuck up. We all have. You can stay with us if you need to. I will ask Maura and Caitlyn here for dinner so it won't ne done in public. See you tomorrow.

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