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We go upstairs with the magazines and paper.
-Maura I am sorry please remove these restraints. No not tonight. If you want them off, I will encourage Sam toyou sent to psych ward to be evaluated fotr 48 hours. It won't look good for you but people could understand. Babe I already have Joey there. I don't want you there too. It will.kill me to see you there too. Restraints and decather for now. We will reevaluate later on. We brought you some water and a sandwich which I will help you with.
We loosen the length only so she could sit up.
I am really am sorry Maura no bs. I was angry for my mother taking that route. She didn't give us long enough to try to resolve our issue. Deb I want your mother to go after the prison for not informing any of us of her escaped. Even if its just a smear campaign in the media. Money won't do us any good. She is dead. If we would of known sooner alot of this could of been avoided. I will call her later on. It's five o'clock in the morning. Babe we all are emotionally drained. Once the coroner releases her body we will have a memorial services. We have to find her will and see what she wanted done with her property.
-Maur leave the restraints like they are..I will be in here tonight with my wife on the floor. I don't want her not to be able to move at all..Okay, we will leave your door open . Babe thank you. JANE we aren't being mean. We are just worried everyone reacts differently. Deb said Tommy put all sorts of holes in his townhouse until she and Frankie grabbed him. You ran and locked our bedroom door that required Caitlyn and Maura to kick it in. Joey is in Afghanistan. My heart aches for you babe. BABE please sleep with.me like we sometimes sleep. I need your warmth on skin to skin with me.
I raised Jane's tank top and laid between her legs with my head on her abs. Jane finally fell
asleep and I dreamt about Gigi. I woke up at nine and woke up Maura to change her decather bag while she was still asleep.
-Sam how did you sleep pretty decent. She wanted skin contact so I slept like I sometimes do with her. Within minutes she was out. The coroner called my cell. He is finished and I told him to release the body to the funeral home they used for her nani Rizzoli. We need to find her will so I am going to go with Frankie to look for it and Tommy said he would be in here.
Frankie and I found the will in her safe. Frankie takes it a long with her check book. We return to Maura's. Tommy is feeding Jane.
-You found the will. Yeah I didn't read it. Open it up and read it.
Frankie reads it. Jane she left you the house. Joey lease is still good so its up to you who the building goes to. I think wait to see how Joey is. He may not want to have his studio there. If not, I can see if Tommy wants it as his once all is cleaned up. The only who saw her was Joey. Joey could move it to my studio. Samantha if we stay in the house. I would like some renovations done and the exterior to be redone and actual two car SUV garage with a garage in the back. Jane my Nani left in her will if you ever moved out of the studio you are to get the living lavender furniture everything including the light fixture. Maura I don't want Nani bedroom set. I will have to expand the house to fit it and I will because that room had so much memories except for the molding. I always told Nani that was ugly. I will hang up Nani's photos and my mother's too. The only rooms I won't mess with is the one that has nani tea room and the bathrooms and redo the half baths but the exercise room and bedrooms to be revamped as well as everything else. I cannot believe we are discussing this just not even a complete day. Deb have you called your mother yet. Yeah, she is downstairs. I didn't know if you wanted her to see you like this or not. Its okay have her come up here.
Deb gets her mother.
-My condolecences to you all. Deb explained to me the reason for the restraints but Maura please remove them or I will have to note that Jane is not sound and this would make Angela's estate take longer to resolve.
Maura and my brother's release me.
-Jane how do you feel? Mrs. Williams believe it or not alot better than yesterday and with my wife in bed with me I felt loved and safe. Maura I don't think I will need be sedated anymore. It just was too much for me to handle with the way everything transpired leading up to her conviction. Our mother needed help and didn't get it. I will call Daniel again to start therapy again though to keep me from not going off.
Jane you were shocked sweetie. Tommy I don't want you hitting anything anymore without gloves. Yes, Mrs. Williams. Frankie how you doing? Mrs. Williams I still have to go in today to do my paperwork and will see the shrink the dept has for us. I just keep reliving what we were discussing and hearing the shot. My coworkers kept me from seeing her which I am grateful now. All I wanted to do was to get to Tommy to let him know. Jane Tommy I asked Deb and Sam not to tell you that she had Joey as a hostage because I didn't want you to deal with what I knew I was going to have to do.
Frankie cries. Jane , Tommy and Maur hugged him as well as my mother. I will take the will and start on the legal side and with the prison legally they don't have to notify. Its a courtesy, but we will bring it to the media. Just make sure no speeding etcetera. Law enforcement sticks together. I am reading the will. She wants only family and close friends and to be cremated and her ashes to be taken to Italy by her children and to be added to her parents marker.
Mrs. Williams I.will handle that for my wife. I will have my jet ready once you all have passports. I can use my influence to expedite Frankie and Tommy. They will need your license and birth certificate though. The photos will be easy for you to do.
Babe I would like Joey to be there too if his doctors say okay.
It sounds like you have all the important things. I will get you a copy of the death certificate and those get costly because you will need several of those. thanks mom for coming.
Jane and the guys hugged my mother .
-You guys I.will walk Mrs. Williams to her vehicle. I.will leave from there to go to work. It can take several hours and for them to interrogate or interview me depending how you want to see it. I went by the book so I should be okay.
Frankie left and Tommy left me, Maura and Sam to talk.
- Deb thanks for youe help last night and today and everyone else too. I just need to take a hot shower with my wife.
We all left so she and Sam can have their alone time.
-Deb we still need to talk about last night. I know our room, a drive. back yard or...Our room.
I was honest with Maur about me but kept Gigi and Sam out of our discussion as much as possible except when she asked me specific questions but nothing about them hooking up came up in her questions thank God.
Caitlyn called Maur to check on everyone.
-They are doing as best can be. Private service for family and close friends. Caitlyn, Gigi won't be able to attend because Angela didn't really know her. She is going to be cremated. I will be flying the family to Italy for her burial. I gotta go talk to you later. same to you sis.

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