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The weekend went by quickly. I am at work and meet with the network executives. My publicist is present. 
- Thank you for meeting with me on a short notice.  I was informed over the weekend the twins were not mine but my roomates. I am no longer engaged. Gigi sorry for your loss. I do hope what you are stating to us is true. If not, your contract will be in jeopardy. 
We leave the meeting.
' I did what we agreed on.
I am sorry this didn't work out Cait. You will always have a piece of my heart.  Please tell Julie also thank you for taking the heat on this.  I won't be giving any interviews on this.  If a tabloid says something it won't be me. Again thank you. ' I read the text to Juls.  Cait we need to tell the truth and not reply to no one. We are taking the hit for this. 
We go downstairs.
- I need to tell you all one more thing. Gigi and the two of us agreed that Gigi would tell her network executive this. We felt this was fair.
We informed Gigi over the weekend the twins were not hers but Juls. We know Juls and I will be seen as bad in this. Gigi won't be giving interviews. If something shows up in the tabloids it wasn't from her. We know you will keep our privacy protected too.
We all look at one another not pleased but agree.
Hope shows up and was informed of everything yesterday. My sister and everyone is leaving as my mother pulls in. Hope is staying while I get the keys and meet the movers at the storage units so the furniture could be taken  to our home. 
I kiss Juls bye.Juls takes her Mercedes. 
- Have you eaten yet? No, not yet.  We came downstairs to tell the gals everything. I haven't had a chance to eat yet.  Gigi already text me thanking Juls and I for taking the heat on this.
We finally came home and our nephew was glad to see us.
-Aunties while you were going mama and I started working and finished my bathroom.
Nick takes our hands to show us his bathroom.

Cheryl it came out real nice and the paint looks good on your hair too.Too funny Jane. I couldn't get it all out. Nick accidentally tipped over the paint and it splattered on me. I was more worried about the vanity and the tile
having paint staying on it. We are off to his new day care. I will be in the studio working.  Am I seeing you today or working solo?  I will be having you work solo. I have to go baby shopping for bedroom decor for the twins bedrooms and assembling.  Samantha and I will be busy. I put your safe back thanks.  no problem.
My wife and I hurried up and took a shower, made breakfast and took it with us with our coffee.  I drove my truck to three stores until Julie liked the pics what my wife was sending to her via text.  We pay for the items.
-Julie we need the address and also what time will you be there? I have my tools with me and dolly. I should be there in 30 minutes.
Julie texts me the address and I relay it to Jane.
-Babe that is in our neighborhood.  I guess we will being seeing more of them. While we wait,  please take my by Tommy's. I have yet to return to see the rest of his studio.
Jane drives us there and we get out.  We enter and Tommy is just arriving.
-Morning what do I deserve to see you two so early? I have my last three family photos from Ludicris crew from helping you all move. It seemed I got most of the appointments than you all. My backdrops are a hit. Yeah,  I guess so. I only had two of the guys and their families and I think Joey had the same. We are still waiting to hear from Ludicris. He wants me to do his family photos.
I guess when he is ready we will be flying to wherever he wants them done at. You never can tell what city or country we will be in with him. I brought Samantha by to see the final changes in your studio.  The office was locked  and bathrooms were still being worked on when I brought back your lights.  Here's my keys to the office. I  cannot visit my appointments will be here shortly.  Aye before we forget. You need to keep this to yourself. Gigi and Caitlyn broke up. In the back of my truck is the twins furniture we have to assemble and leave upstairs probably in the hallway until the painters finish painting tomorrow. They moved closed to us. No problem as long as Cait is okay.  I am good but if Gigi did something wrong I won't be happy.  It's not like I will go beat up Gigi and all me being a guy and all.
We pass through the lobby.

The downstairs bathroom came out nice. Tommy definitely has the decorating taste amongst you all. Come on babe, I am not that bad.

I love the upstairs bathroom. He seriously changed the look of this place.  He kept the overhang on lobby wall and the upstairs studio basically the same but the furniture is lighter and changing the color in the wood floor makes it look more modern.

Well, he only changed the name plate and photos here. Babe you okay? Yeah just thinking about MA is all. I miss her babe even when she was screwing up.  If you noticed I put her photos in rooms I don't frequent as much because it still hurts. I know out of all of us Tommy was her favorite and he misses her big time.  Babe you all miss her even I do and you know how she felt about me.
I kissed and hugged Jane.
-Babe let's lock up leave Tommy his keys. We have alot of work to do. Deb and Maura will meet us there once they're done with their training of additional employees. I am happy for Deb being able to keep both clinics open. The new employees being trained here instead of in California is amusing but Deb has the California clinic kn three dimensional is cool.
We say good bye to Tommy and Lennys family.  We arrive shortly at the house.  Jane parks her truck across the street because the movers wil be arriving in an hour.

Jane parked behind Julie. Julie comes out when Jane honks her horn. It took the three of us thirty minutes to get both. bedroom furniture upstairs.
- i figure the furniture that needs to be assembled can be done in the bedrooms. The painters can tarp it. We will do it however you want it..We move the assembled portions first than the pieces we have to assembled last.
Let me give you a quick tour of what each room is.  Julie I am guessing your California home was a six or five bedroom too and maybe not as many bathrooms.  It was a five bedroom with four bathrooms only with a pool and spa. I  showed Cait this place. She picked the wall colors than changed her mind on the twins bedrooms.  If not, we could of slept here but her being pregnant and fresh paint not wise to do.I will eventually make it back here once the movers are done. The exercise room, I had the mats cut and laid over the gray carpet.
This is going to be a nice home for you four.I  have a very personal question to ask of you while my wife goes abd gets us lunch. Okay, go ahead.  I know Maura wants to have children but doesn't want to be inseminated by a sperm bank. Cait did discuss this with me awhile ago by inpregnating Maura. I thought she was joking though.  No,  she wasn't.  Jane when I met Maura I thought about it as funny to have two sister's knocked up by me but you telling me has me thinking that I should put off my vasectomy for a while. Cait doesn't want anymore,  since we have a boy and girl .It would be nice to have another child before I get a vasectomy but it would have to be soon because Cait wants me to have one before the babies are born so no more children would be conceived. Jane is Maura okay with this. I would be considered an  aunt instead of a father and I am okay with this.  If Maura and Deb are okay as well as Cait, I am in. I will discuss this with Cait in a little bit later on . Hope is bringing Cait so she can see what the house looks like for dinner  before she takes her back.  Well we better finish the bedrooms for sure than. I don't want my bedroom to be used. We can do that.

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