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JOEY SAID AFTER HE WAS THROUGH DOING HIS SHOOTS HOMELESS. HE WOULD COME AND HELP ME BUILD A BBQ CASE AROUND MY BBQ AND A ROUND TABLE. I WOKE UP EARLY AND WAS AT HOME DEPOT WHEN THEY OPENED. I RENTED A TRUCK AND HAD THEM LOAD THE MORTAR, SEALER, AND ALL THE STONES WE WOULD NEED TO BUILD THEM. I also purchased a heat lamp, umbrella with lights and bar stools. TOMMY AND I had a pretty good job leveling a portion of the back yard for a stone patio. I got a deal on market place for some refrigerators for liquor, wine and food for the bbq case..I couldn't wait to be able to host a Rizzoli dinner in the backyard instead of just inside..I was thinking of getting a hot tub and may be a pool.
but the pool will be down the road.
-o'Shea, Ludicris, Dr Dre and Ice T thanks for showing up to take photos with some of the homeless people and throwing a mini concert in the park for them. Ludicris stated. we all see it as good community work.. Some of us served in the military and are lucky we weren't homeless.

I unloaded all the stones, mortar and everything else I bought. I took the truck back and got my truck. I went by the clinic for a tuneup.
- Deb can anyone work on my back and arms. I just unloaded the stones for my table and bbq encasement. Joey is going to help me once he is done with his shoots. I am dying now. I don't want him teasing me. He already is going to get on me for unloading the stones and mortar.
Frankie sure I was taking a break. lay here and remove your shirt.

 lay here and remove your shirt

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Never do that again. How much do I owe you? Nothing this time but if you keep doing stupid things like that again, I will charge you my full rate. Okay, I get it thanks. Try not to over do it. Take an epson salt bath after you are done ice and heat packs. You know the drill from your baseball days. Yes. I do thanks. Frankie leaves. I leave for the day after my last client cancelled. I drove to check on Caitlyn at Gigi's. Aye sickie, I brought you some lemons, pineapple juice, tylenol, Kleenex, chicken soup from the can and lemon lime soda and some saltines. I will. put the stuff on the counter and bring you some soup when its done. Go to bed before you get me sick..reason I have a mask on. I made the soup and found a bed tray in the pantry. I brought everything up for my future sister in law. I waited until she ate at least half the soup. I left the small bottles of soda, Kleenex and pineapple juice for her. I left after cleaning up and washing up. I used hand sanitizer before getting in my vehicle and threw out the temporary mask in Gigi's trash can.

Joey showed up and lectured me for not waiting but understood because he has done that numerous times himself. It took us a few hours. I reheated some of the food from last night and brought beers outside.
-Frankie tomorrow you should be able to seal her mortar. We looked at work. Joey added some lights he bought and did all the electrical work for the refrigerators.
-Thanks for all your help. As soon as we finish eating. Go inside and take an epson bath. Even with Deb working on you. You will be sore tomorrow. Hopefully you won't have to run or tackle someone at work. Definitely not have to use your weapon. Good night Frankie. Thanks again Joey and good night.

I  turned off the lights and felt the pain in my arms when I raised them

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I turned off the lights and felt the pain in my arms when I raised them.

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