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Today we finished with Mrs.Claire Williams, Deb's mother our attorney to deal with her estate, last wishes.

Today is the day that I finally get to see my brother and if he will be released or not.
-Aye Sis thanks for coming. I just finished a little while ago giving my statement to the police. How you feeling? I actually feel relieved after speaker with the detective and my psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said I could be released to a family member or close friend. He doesn't want me to go to the house nor the studio. He suggested I find a new location to help me decrease my anxiety , frustrations and disappointment. Have you all had the services for Ang yet? No we read her will. The house goes to Jane. Jane said the only way we will live there is if we do renovations to practically the entire house and expand on the property and put a new exterior look. Basically a new house. She doesn't want all the memories since she never lived their but saw how she changed. We would like you to stay with us at Maura's. She has a business proposition for you too which coincides with your psychiatrist suggestion. I will let her tell you.
I hug my brother and he hugs me back. I text Deb ' Please you and Maura go to the house and pack his belongings. I will ask Christopher to meet you there with some of his friends to move his tools and his big screen T.V..The doctor prefers he get a different location for a studio. I only told him Jane had a good proposition for him that coincides with his psychiatrist. Thx ' ' NO PROBLEM'
- MAURA GET THE KEY TO ANGELA'S HOUSE. Ludicris and some of his buddies arw going tomeet us there to remove the big screen tv and his tools. We have to pack his other stuff up. I will hook my trailer to my truck and put my tennis on. I forgot to ask if Joey was staying here..I will ask Tommy to strip the bed and put clean bedding and the bathroom too.
Tommy what you need..I forgot to ask Sam if she was bringing Joey here. He isn't to go back to the studio or the house..Ludicris and several of his buddies are going to meet us there to remove his nig screen tv and his pple.Maura and I will pack the rest up. I will store his stuff in one of the garages. I know Hope is coming back today so she might stop by with Maur's and Caitlyn's clothing etcetera so listen for the buzzer. MAURA AND I TAKE OFF AFTER I HOOK UP THE TRAILER


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We left to meet Ludicris and his friends.
-Thanks for helping us do this for Joey. He will be staying with us for a while as the others. After this, please stay for lunch. I know Sam, Joey and Jane would appreciate it. Sam is bringing Joey home today. Sure me and my guys can do that if not just me.
The guys are quick loading up the tv in the back of the truck and securing it woth straps and loading all of Joey's tools in the trailer.Ludicris came inside to help us pack Joey's clothes and accessories. How's Jane doing? She's doing better now. Its hard on all of them. Maura how you doing? Sam said you were like a daughter to her since your childhood. Thanks for asking. Its not been easy. I just been focusing on Jane and the guys than myself. Maybe later it will hit me more.
We finished loading and secure the property. Maura drives Angela's porsche to her place. Joey has to decide if he wants to keep it or sell it.

  Joey has to decide if he wants to keep it or sell it

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