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I wake up before the other three which is rare next to these three beautiful women.
-God thank you for keeping me safe. I wasn't ready to leave my life here.
I wake up and hear my best friend praying. I agreed with her prayer.
-God I agree with Jane. Aye Maura lets get up and get a work out before we wake these two up. We go downstairs and Nick and Cheryl are awake and Cheryl is working out. Nick is slapping the bag for his work out.
-Aye buddy how's my nephew doing? I am doing fine. Maur mama said I need to apologize to you too. I don't see what I did wrong , sorry. It's okay Nick, I got over it. It was a first for me. A handsome little three year disciplining me. Good you see me as handsome.
We all chuckle.
-Come on handsome son. Time for shower after I take you a bath.
Jane and I talk about the scare last night and what I could of lost. Maura holds me. We separate and start working out. Maura on the elliptical and me on weights than switch. We go outside to enjoy the fresh morning air with an espresso.
Sam and Deb finally are awake and kiss us good morning. Sam tells us to both take a shower and they start breakfast for us all.
We exited to the shower and take a joint shower. Nothing sexual just a relaxing shower. We dry off and get dressed and go downstairs. Cheryl and Nick are there. I get my camera and take some more photos of them outside.

-Sam I told Cheryl she is family and the only only way she is moving out is if she gets married

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-Sam I told Cheryl she is family and the only only way she is moving out is if she gets married. We need to work on her allowing us to redo one of the guest room for our nephew. Jane I second that and have so many ideas. Mama if I get my room, let me choose. I agree son with some adult suggestions and with your aunt Sam here, you won't have a choice. Aye, I am not that bad. I am not like you all.What I am. laid back , yeah babe you are so right.
My wife than kisses me.
Sam what is a lesbian?
We all look at Nick.
I think about it. A female who likes to be with other women. Like Deb and Maur and you when kissing Jane in front of me making me feel funny. Yes but why does it make you feel funny? Well, um boy girl is what it shows on tv and me and mama only see man and woman. Yes, very true but just because you are a lesbian doesn't mean you don't love others. I love you. Me too.
Sam gives my son a hug and I mouthed thank you. Sam smiles at me. I am hoping he doesn't ask about babies and sex. Well not for several years at least.
-Aye buddy Samantha and I have been thinking of getting a Labrador retriever from the pound. Do you want to come with us to choose our family dog which will need alot of love and discipline too. Mama get up we getting a doggie. YIPPEE! Nick we need to clean the kitchen first. I get the forks to help. OKAY.
We cleaned up from breakfast.
-Aye buddy before we go, we have to stop off at Deb's parents. Her mother is excited to meet you and your mom. Okay.
We leave in the truck and Maura and Deb follow us.
-Morning mom and dad. I would you to meet Prince Nick and his mother Cheryl. Deb me no prince king I like king. Mom, this is king Nicolas Madison Jr. Nice to have royalty in my home.
My mother bows and Nick kiss her hand.
We chuckle.
I guess my son's stories have given him ideas way before his time. Cheryl its okay Deb was far more say creative at his age. She requested we bow to her every time we saw her and demanded we take her outside and put her on my husband's shoulders so she could be taller. Yes, she did but her daddy loved every minute of it. Nick I am the king of this castle and she is my beautiful queen.
My father kisses my mother. Cheryl it is nice to meet a fellow Navy Veteran. Same here Mr. Williams. As promised, here is the note. We are off to go get a new addition to the family. We get a puppy now please says Nick.
We say our good byes. Maura and Deb leave for their place.
-Samantha besides getting a dog and everything else, we need to get more car seats. Sharing this car seat is ridiculous. Okay, when we get back Cheryl and I will go get some as long as she doesn't mind going with me. Let's see I think we need four.Two for me, one for you, one for Cheryl and an extra one for others who will take him. Did you call Tommy to meet us? You know he wanted his input on the dog. Oops, I forgot.
-Tommy we are on our way to get a puppy from the shelter meet us there. Will do.

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