Chapter 7

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Vampires were known to live for centuries. We were immortal and gifted with powers no other creature had. As more vampires came into light, clans were created to protect families and one and other from attacks and wars. The Crimson clan was formed by my grandfather during the dark times of 1657 after he had betrayed his brother and killed him to gain more power in this world. Centuries later, Grandpa fled and his children, along with my Dad took the higher control of the clan along with a few others.

We were true blood vampires and we never mated with a human or another creature.

Our clan was settled in a small town. We melded with humans that bought us more opportunities and knowledge from the world outside. We fed on werewolves that lurked nearby and our riches came from the many mines and mills. Soon, we were among the few strongest clans in the world—until we were attacked by the dark, unknown creature.

When grandmother died, we expected grandfather to appear from the shadows and protect us all as he was one strong vampire that had lived for more than four hundred years. But, Grandpa never came and the clan tore apart just a little more.

It would have been a lot different if Grandpa once came to us.

I surely wouldn't be in a ten sq ft room with it's walls closing upon me while a few werewolves decided my fate. Grandpa would've ripped apart this town into shreds if he wanted too.


A few hours in the room alone and I lost track of time quickly. It was hard to keep up since the sky barely changed colors. Hues appeared and spread through before fading. The only voices I could manage to hear were the birds chirping outside the window and knocking their beaks into the glass repeatedly. My senses heightened and took a dark turn when a vexation gripped me.

I pulled onto the shackles and bruised my wrists in the process of getting myself free but for some reason, the shackles were too perfectly lined against the bedpost and my skin that even if I tried hard enough, I couldn't be free.

Out of exhaustion, I slipped into a sleep and woke up hours—or days later with an empty stomach in desperate need of someone's blood—anyone's. I just needed a pint of it, nothing more. The more I wasted my energy on screaming and freeing myself, the more tired and numb I grew.

More hours passed. I kicked my feet everywhere and threw everything on the ground to make excess sounds so someone could come inside and I could suck them dry.

I licked my lips when I heard someone coming for my rescue. My senses enhanced and I sat up straight before placing my back against the bedpost. The footsteps came in closer and closer.

"Yes." I gritted my teeth together.

The door at the left opened and to my disappointment, the two brothers walked in. One of them held a bag in his hands. The scent drifted to my nose and I gagged.

"We bought you dinner." The one holding the bag said as he wavered it in front of me.

I turned my face away in disgust and held my breath back. "I don't want it."

"But aren't you hungry?" He peeled open the bag and my guts reached my throat in reaction to the strong scent of a dead animal he had hunted for me. "It's going to taste a lot better."

I lined my lips together and gave Knox a death stare. "I would rather prefer chewing you off than whatever is inside that bag so take that away from me." I said as my jaw locked. I didn't dare to down and into the bag as I knew I was going to throw up whatever was left inside of me.

"It isn't that bad. You should try it." The other brother—the one who I thought was better came forward and said. The clear look in their screamed they were playing with me. Was this a joke?

I never agreed on having a dead animal for dinner.

They sat on either side of the bed I was on with their intentions wicked.

Knox dropped the bag over my lap and said, "Oops."

"Take it off me!" I cried, shutting my eyes tight and scurrying away from the dead animal. It's scent made me nauseous. It made me want to scream and cry out. In all the nineteen years of my living, I had never eaten an animal or it's raw meat.


The brothers shared a laugh among themselves before one of them spoke again, "I thought vampires like it, don't they, Cain?"

"Yes." Cain replied to his brother. "It was carefully hunted for you. It would be a pity if you didn't give it a try." His face ashened with sadness as he looked at me. All the bloodlust I had for him immediately crushed away.

I kicked aside the bag and gave it a few more kicks before the dead animal fell onto the ground and away from my eyes. Bitterness crept onto my tongue and I said, "The second I'm free, I will destroy both of you."

"That's if you'll be free." Knox landed his arm closer to mine before leaning to me.

I remembered his previous offer and took it into consideration when I realized I required blood to live, kill them both and flee out of here and I couldn't when they had me chained up to a bed for more than just one night. I didn't even know which day it was. Either way, it felt like a century since I had eaten anything.

I lowered my gaze to Knox and said, "Let me feed on you and in return, I'll give you whatever you need. I suppose it would be the first and last time you'd ever get a vampire." If one couldn't be fooled, the other one could be.

His face hardened. He rose up and took my face in his hands. My eyes directed towards his neck where his blood pumped. The drumming of his heart echoed in my ears, awakening the blood deprived monster inside of me. A few helpless pants slipped out of my lips at the nearness of his blood.

"Now we are talking. I'd take you up on that offer but Cain and I have an agreement. What's mine is his and what's his is mine." He said, sending shivers down my spine.

I kept my posture straight and grinned at them both. "As long as I'm getting fed."

The twins shot each other a glance before Knox returned his attention to me. "Let see how many seconds it's going to take to wreck that confidence, darlin'." He smiled before sweeping me into a kiss.

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