Troubles and....

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Troubles and....

"You mean to tell me that you spent months creating a giant robot for it to get taking down by the Titans in less than an hour."

The figured turned from the crime scene, which was covered with cops, Titans, and an enormous, dead robot spider, to the newcomer.

"You mean it took an hour for all five titans to take down one giant robot spider so that I can get this baby." The figure held up a small robot spider that escaped the crime scene. It released a chip before disappearing in the person's sleeve.

"You're welcome, little assassin." The chip was transferred between the two.

"Watch your tone."

"Or what?"


"That's what I thought. Don't get yourself kill a third time, Slade. You probably won't come back alive the next time."

"I don't know about you guys but I am beat." Changeling, formerly known as Beast Boy, said to his two teammates after they regrouped from talking with different officers.

"You're out of shape." Cyborg said. "You need to work out more instead of eating your fiancée's cake."

"Which one? Because she might have something to say about that."

"Can we not talk about that?" Raven commented, "The fact that you can recreate is already disturbing."

"You're just mad that no one wants your dark magic cake."

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't have a cake, but blueberry pie." She shrugged when the guys gave a her a strange look. "I only like guys who like pie."

"Wait. What? You-"

"Can we not talk about that here?"

The small group turned to see the couple of the Titans coming to join them.

"We don't need it printed in the papers that the Titans were not serious about fighting crime," Nightwing continued. "Instead they spend their time making lewd comments with one another. It's bad enough that the police department won't give us access to the case file immediately after the crime. We don't need to give people the ammunition to take more privileges away from us."

They nodded in agreement.

"Are we finish here?"

"For the most part," Cyborg answered. "Someone has to stay until they are finish breaking down and collecting the spider, then sign off with the cops. It can take another hour at the rate they are going."

"I will stay. You guys can go home." Raven volunteered.

"That's sound good with me." Changeling said while rising from his crouth position.

"How about I stay with you?" Nightwing asked.

"No," Starfire answered for Raven. "It's after 12, and you owe me a date."

She gave her boyfriend a look, daring him to challenge her.

"Okay, then it looks like you are staying by yourself. Are you going to be okay?"

"I'm a big girl, Nights. I can handle this alone, "replied Raven.

"Just making sure since you weren't feeling well earlier." His eyes connected with the darkness in the hood.

"If you are not feeling will," Cyborg chimed in. "Changeling can stay."

"Hey don't volunteer me. I want to go home. You stay."

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