The Awkwardness

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The Awkwardness

Changeling was waiting for Raven with a smile when she opened the door.

"You didn't have to wait, you know? I know my way to the common room."

"I know, but I thought that we could go together and talk." Even though, he couldn't see her face due to her cowl, but he was certain that she had an eyebrow raised.

"What do you want?" Raven got straight to the point. It was no surprised that she would say that. They talked the least out of the Titans. Sure, they talked when they were in a group and when they found themselves alone with one another; however, they never actively seek to spend time with the other.

When they did talk, it was because one of them needed something from the other. It wasn't a bad relationship; it just wasn't a close one either. Nevertheless, he knew that she loved and respected him just like he did her. He more than her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk with you." They slowly traipsed to the meeting. "We haven't talked in a long time." Originally, he had planned on spending more time with her and talking with her after his conversation with Cyborg about Raven being unstable. However, Starfire's departure, Retra's sneakiness, and the wedding had derailed his plan, and he fell back into normalcy.

He honestly had forgotten about Raven and her problems until his conversation with Cyborg yesterday. He, too, felt guilty for not checking up on Raven as he did before. His best friend prided himself in spending time with his teammates, no matter how busy he was. And now that Starfire was gone, they both thought that it would be better if they tried to spend more time with Raven, or as much as she would allow.

They had walked down the length of the hallway and turned a corner before she spoked, "How is Retra and the wedding planning going?"

He was happy that she spoked first, because he didn't know what to say to her. Talking about Retra and the wedding was easy to do.

"She's doing fine. The planning-" He sighed. "is a headache. I wished that someone else could help. Hey! Do you want to-"


Well, it wasn't like Retra wanted her help. Yet, he thought it would be nice to ask. "How about you? How is your...." He was drawing blanks. What did Raven like to do now? What was new, or even old, in her life? "life?" He finished weakly.

"You know, you don't have to force yourself to talk to me." She said calmly.

"I'm not forcing myself." He said quickly. "I want to talk with you. It has been a while since we last talked. You know, just you and me. I feel like we have things to catch up on."

"Really? Like what?"

" the latest Titans' exclusive gossip."

"What gossip?" He felt her curiosity.

"You know," he whispered, "Nightwing's dating someone new." He saw her stiffened beside him. "I know, right. I was surprised too. How could he move on so fast after Starfire left? I think, it's ridiculous. Starfire and Nightwing were the best couple ever. Hopefully, she will come back, and they can start dating again." Raven shifted her weight.

"I wonder who she is." He elaborated when she looked at him. "We only know that she exists since we heard her over the phone when we were playing online poker. He said that it was only the delivery person, but we know differently."

"You mean, you two are guessing. Some exclusive. Your information isn't even reliable."

"It is. Because he muted his microphone."

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