Something on the Brain

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Something on the Brain

"Raven?" The white-haired woman looked at her with her only eye. "Isn't it? What are you doing here?"

Raven sat in the only other empty seat. "The same reason that you are here."

"And what reason would that be?" Rose asked, picking up a glass of wine.

"The same reason why everyone else is here: to mind their own business."

Rose tilted her head. "Yet, your business somehow led you to me. Why?"

"I need a BJ."

Rose threw her head back and laughed. "I think that you are in the wrong place. And you are definitely asking the wrong person."

"I'm in the right place, and I'm definitely asking to the right person." Rose raised an eyebrow. Raven continued, "Your father placed more than Kryptonite in your eye socket."

Rose straightened up. "How do you know about that? Did Nightwing-"

"No, he didn't." She cut her off. She didn't want her to think that Nightwing had betrayed her. Nightwing was loyal to his friends.

Rose eye narrowed. Raven could feel the wheels in her head turning. "In Blüdhaven, there was a rumor that my father kept a special woman that he hid there. A woman that he loved."

"Slade?" She said without changing her facial expression. "Is he capable of being in love?"

"You tell me?" She took a sip of her wine as her eye analyzed Rachael.

She wanted to tell her that her one eye should be proof enough, but she needed that BJ. "I can assure you that Slade never looked my way unless it was to use me for his purposes."

"Well, that makes two of us.... What do you need a BJ for?"

"It's better if you don't know."

"A Titan in Thai Night and asking for a BJ. Have you lost your way?" Before Raven could reply, she asked another question. "Why has my father return?"

"I don't know. We are looking for him now. Wouldn't you know why he is here? You are his daughter."

Raven didn't need her powers to know what Rose was feeling, she could see it in her eyes.

"My father and I aren't close. But. I sure, you knew that. Does Nightwing know that he has a snake in the Tower?" She didn't wait for an answer again. "No Man told me that you had a personal relationship with my father."

Of course, he would. Raven thought.

"At first, I didn't believe him, but here you are, asking for a BJ. Something that no one but my father, Wintergreen, Nightwing, and myself knew about."

"You shouldn't believe everything that No Man say to you."

"Funny, my father told me the same thing. How about this, if you can prove to me that you weren't the woman who my father kept in Blüdhaven, then I will give you that BJ that you want."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "And how do you want me to prove that?"

Ravager took the knife from her dinner plate and cut her arm. She watched Raven as the Titan observed the blood that came out of her arm. Her blood was red mixed with green that glowed with inside of the red blood.

"Those who were in Blüdhaven when Chemo exploded has chemo-blood in their system. People like myself, my father, and Nightwing have it and, if my suspicion is right, then you do, too."

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