The Past (2/7): Nigthwing

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One month since the Titan Reform

He took a sip from the bottle before letting it fall back on the floor. Rolling on his back, he glanced around the room to see what woke him.

The curtains made a soft, whispering noise as the breeze from the outside came in. Getting up, he moved to close the window.

"Next time you come by, do me a favor: close the window." He turned to see his ex standing in his new, half-renovated apartment.

"Is that an open invitation to come again?" She moved from the shadows, and the moonlight revealed her face.

"It depends." He leant against the wall. "Did you bring a housewarming gift?"

"I think, I have something warm." She smirked. "Or maybe something hot."

He smirked back. "Show me what you got."

She closed the space in-between them. Her eyes twinkled; their lips met. One of his hands pushed into her red hair, deepening the kiss. Soon, the two found themselves in the bed that he just left with nothing but sweat in between them.


Once again, he was awakened by an external force. Untangling his limbs from his ex's, he grabbed his phone.

"Hello," he answered.

"Where are you?" Starfire questioned. "We are in trouble and need help." He moved his phone from his ear and saw it was indeed the Titans app that caused his phone to ring. He made a mental note to change the ringtone.

"Sorry, Star. I was busy; see you soon."

"Hurry up, boyfriend." He smiled. Four-years later and a marriage, she still was able to hold on to her playful nature.

"Coming soon, girlfriend." The line disconnected, and he barely dodged the pillow that was aimed for his head.

"You're such an asshole, Dick." He moved off the bed and stared at the naked, red beauty with green eyes. They were right; He did have a type. Another pillow sailed through the air, and he allowed it to hit him this time.

"You're staying or leaving?" He started to get dress while Barbara fumed from the bed.

"You could at least pretend like you are ashamed. You just casually talked to your girlfriend as if you didn't just sleep with me. "

He chuckled, putting a leg in his suit. "That's rich coming from you since you and Bruce were hooking up behind my back."

He heard noises from behind him. There was no doubt in his mind that she was getting dress to leave as well.

"I thought," she said, "we moved passed that. And it was only a one-time thing when we weren't dating."

"Oh, I moved passed it already; hence, that's why I have a new girlfriend." He ducked once more. The sound of glass braking could be heard, but he didn't look to see what it was. He simply put his mask on his face before turning toward her.

As he predicted, she was getting dress. "So, you are leaving."

"You thought that I would stay here like some side chick." He shrugged; her anger grew. "What is this, Dick? Are you finally getting everything off your chest: your anger and frustration?"

"I would have to care in order to be angry and frustrated. The only thing I am right now is tired." He moved toward the window. "Thanks for the housewarming gift. And don't forget to close the window."

It was wide open when he returned.

Four months since the Titan reform

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