A Possible Reconciliation (1/3): Retra and Garfield

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A Possible Reconciliation (1/3): Retra and Garfield

Gar turned his head on the pillow and slowly opened his eyes. He could tell that the sun was setting because the bedroom had an orange hue to it. Yet, it wasn't the change of the sunlight that woke him up. It was the pleasant aroma of food that had drifted into his nose and woke him up.

His stomach growled. However, he wasn't sure if he wanted to get up. He wasn't ready to face whatever was left of the day.

He turned his head on the pillow again and tried to snuggle deeper into the bed. He was going back to sleep. Or at least, he tried to. His stomach growled again with a slight pain this time.

He sighed before turning on his back and sitting up in the bed. He was going to have to answer to his stomach's calling.

Taking one deep breath in and one out, he let his feet touched the ground and stood up. He walked to his dresser and grabbed a plain, white shirt to put on. With a shirt and boxer on, he headed to the kitchen of his apartment and stopped short of entering the kitchen area. He wanted to stand there and only watch her.

Retra was definitely the most beautiful woman in the world, and it wasn't because of her physical appearance. It was because he loved her.

He loved telling jokes and laughing with her. He loved the way she encouraged him. He loved the moments where she seemed to be unstoppable. He loved the quiet moments that they had together. However, those moments were rare because neither of them could barely stop talking when they were together. They seldomly ran out of topics to talk about. And he loved that too.

He watched as Retra stopped and turned to face him. He loved that as well. They could always tell when the other one was near.

"You're up." She said softly in a whisper.

"I'm up." He confirmed in a whisper as well.

After last night's events and talking with the police with Cyborg for the majority of the morning, they had opted out of going to the Tower and came home to rest instead.

It was awkward now that the possibility of death no longer hung over their head. There was a lot of baggage in their relationship that they had to sort through.

"I made us dinner. I told Nightwing that we would be back at the Tower later on tonight."

Gar nodded as his eyes drifted to the food that she was cooking then back to her blue eyes. "I....Do you mind if we talk first before we eat dinner."

"I'm fine with that, but are you sure? You haven't eaten anything since last night."

"I'm sure."

"Okay." She moved to turn everything that was on the stove on low as he went to the kitchen table.

It was funny that his stomach had protested when he wanted to stay in bed, but remained quiet now.

He waited for her to join him at the table before talking. No, before trying to talk. His mouth opened and closed, yet no words came out.

"I don't want to break up," she said while fidgeting with the placemat on the table, "and I want to be with you until our hair turned gray and we start dying it to look younger. I'm sorry for lying to you about who I am and what I was doing. I guess, in some ways, Raven was right. I was running from my problems, my past, and the things that I was ashamed of. I know that I'm not the bravest person in the world, but I am the person who loves you the most."

Her blue eyes bore into his eyes. "And I hope that I could prove that to you for the rest of my life by being by your side....if you let me. But if you won't, I...." She bit her lips and looked down.

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