Late Night Conversations

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Late Night Conversations

"Why are we here, again?" Changeling sat on the ground with his legs crossed with his head in his right hand and right elbow on his right leg.

"Moral support?" Cyborg offered as he sat on a car.

"To make sure he doesn't kill anyone," Raven commented, leaning against the car that Cyborg sat on. "What?" She asked, noticing the looks that her friends gave her. "You guys were thinking the same thing."

They were currently watching Nightwing fight Bully Numerous and his clones. He was doing a great job at fighting against the clones, all by himself. And since, he didn't have to hold back against the clones, he didn't. All of his attacks were lethal.

"Should we put out a public service announcement: Villains beware Nightwing is angry. Commit crimes at your own risk?"

"Probably," said Raven and Cyborg.

After Starfire left, it appeared that Nightwing was adjusting to everything that had happened since General Ph'yzzon's arrival. Sure, he became more focus on the cases that came their way, borderline obsessed, but that was normal for Nightwing. They had no reason to worry until Saturday.

On that day, they received an alert that Mumbo was robbing a jewelry store. Nightwing was the first to arrive out of the Titans. And when the others did arrive, they found Mumbo cradling a broken arm and screaming "Psycho" at Nightwing. No one said anything because they weren't there to see it happen.

However, on Monday, they saw it. Nightwing was using excessive force to stop the villain, Kyd Wykkyd and ended up damaging Kyd Wykkyd's ears in the process. Luckily for both villains, they would be back to normal with proper medical attention.

Now, a day after the incident with Kyd Wykkyd and Cyborg's chat with him, he was taking out his frustration on Billy Numerous. Fortunately, Billy Numerous had clones to spare and wasn't likely to get hurt. But it was disturbing to watch Nightwing like this, especially since he didn't even notice that his teammates weren't fighting with him.

"I know that he's going through a lot, but he is handling his anger the wrong way. Even if they are the bad guys, they don't deserve the can of butt whipping that Nights is dishing out..... Until he gets help, I'm going to block his access from the Titans' database and to the Tower."

Changeling whistled slowly. "Good luck with that."

"Yeah, let us know how that conversation goes." Raven said dryly.

"You mean, you are going to let us know. You're going to tell him."

"You can't be serious. It's your idea." That wasn't the only reason why she didn't want to tell him. She was still embarrassed about that morning she woke up in bed with him. Even though he didn't treat her differently, when she patched him at night, she felt awkward around him. It, also, didn't help that Mari, who wanted to pay her back for that incident at the church, and her emoticlone Lust created a wet dream featuring the original Boy Wonder. She had it on the same day that Starfire left. She was ashamed and embarrassed about it. So, she didn't want to spend time with him more than necessary. Cyborg's suggestion was unnecessary. "Why can't you do it? You're the beta of the pack. It's your job to talk with the angry alpha when he goes astray."

"Cute wolf reference, but you're the closest to him. He'll listen to you. Besides, I already tried last night. It's your turn."

"Cy's right." Changeling added, "After Star left, you're the closest to him."

"I'm not; Cyborg is." She corrected.

"Since there're only four people on the team now, you have to be Nightwing's best friend since Cy and I are already best friends. It's part of the four friends in a group rule: A group of four friends must consist of two sets of best friends."

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