The Next Step

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The Next Step

Rachael moved through the living bodies that were crowded throughout the space of Thai Night while ignoring the dead bodies that were sprinkled in. The dead ones were hard to notice if you didn't know the signs to look for. And she knew the signs well.

Behind her, Yasmine followed along. They had been coming to Thai Night every night for almost a week, searching for the item that had yet to appear.

She was certain that the item was in town. She had been informed of its presence two weeks ago. Yet, she wondered why it hadn't come to Thai Night, which was its usual hangout spot when it was in town.

She felt someone tapping on her shoulder. When she turned, she saw Yasmine pointing to a clear spot near the bar. She nodded, and they moved to the area, hoping that it would still be there once they got there.

"You know as much as I love coming to Thai Night." Yasmine said once they reached the bar. "I have been wondering why we have been coming here every night."

She looked around the space for a moment. She didn't actually needed Yasmine to come with her to Thai Night. However, she highly preferred that she did. She needed her to keep her grounded.

With her mind going in several directions, she didn't want to lose focus and make a mistake. Losing her focus in Thai Night could create a dangerous situation.

With Yasmine beside her, she would remain focus due to the fact that she couldn't show her true nature if Yasmine was around. With Yasmine, she had to pretend to be a normal person that had happened to stumble upon Thai Night.

"If I told you, I will have to kill you." Rachael responded.

"Don't even joke like that." Yasmine's eyes narrowed at Rachael. "The night that we met, two people were killed here."

"I thought that it was three. There was one on the third floor."

"Oh, that was right. I had forgotten about him."

"That reminds me. You never said that you why you were here that night."

"If I told you, I will have to kill you." She threw Rachael's words back at her and ignoring her own.

"You won't kill me. I write your paycheck."

"I write my paycheck." Yasmine corrected. "You just sign it. While we are on the topic, can I get a raise?"

Rachael tuned her out, not because of the question, but because she saw a glance of what she was looking for.

She inhaled and quietly whispered three enchanting words. She felt her magic reached out to it. Once it reached it, her magic manipulated it so that the owner would never see what she didn't want the owner to see.

Victor sat on the crate, staring at the specimen in front of him, in lab 52A. He came here right after the team meeting that night. He had told Willow and the others that he would back for dinner and that he had something at the office to do.

That was four hours ago. He had missed dinner, and the team was probably sleeping if they weren't out on patrol.

When he woke up this morning, he had made a decision that he was going to end this. The secret that lived in Lab 54A had almost cost the life and safety of a teammate, of an important and close friend.

He couldn't let what had happened to Raven happen to someone else. The best thing for him to do was to come clean and deal with the repercussion of his decisions. It wasn't something that he was looking forward to, but he could begin preparing for it.

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