Ice Cream and Blueberry Pie: Fluff

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This chapter mainly focuses on RobXRav and is the last intro chapter. I hope that you all enjoyed the little Easter eggs and curve balls that I left thus far about the plot.

Ice Cream and Blueberry Pie: Fluff

The bar was closed again tonight. This time, it had a sign posted on the door. It read: reopen next week.

He stared at the sign for a moment longer before grabbing is phone from his pocket. He turned on the phone and clicked on the Titans app. He was going to click on the button to directly communicate with Raven when he turned it off. Last night when he called, the conversation didn't go so well, or rather it didn't go at all. She hung up as soon as she confirmed that he wasn't calling for Titans' business.

Unlike last night, however, he felt her presence close by through their weakened bond, along with a melancholy feeling, which he felt all day. He glanced up at the second part of the warehouse, where her loft was located.

"It looks like it will be close until after the funeral. "

His eyes came back down to see two men talking. "Excuse me. Did you say 'funeral'?"

The men gave Richard a one over before one replied. "Yes, the kid that used to work here died. He and his sister were hit by a bus after coming home from dinner."

"It's ashamed too," the other one said. "He just got the money for his sister's treatment. "

"I guess, life is funny like that sometimes." He thanked the gentlemen, and they resumed their walk.

Looking back up, he made a decision.

The room was dark with the only source of light coming from outside. Soft jazz music came through the stereo, and water could be heard coming from behind the only door in the loft. The place screamed "Raven" and yet it wasn't fully Raven. Most of the furniture was dark or black. But random bright color items were tossed in throughout the room.

"What are you doing here?" Rachael asked softly. The water was now turned off and the closed door opened. She stood in its frame wearing a tight, long black skirt with slits on either sides and a neon green crop top with a wide shoulder strap. Her outfit was similar to her apartment: dark with bright color thrown in.

"I'm sorry about Jeremy. I knew you cared about the kid, but I didn't realize you guys were close."

"We weren't," she said, but he knew differently. He watched her move around the kitchen area fixing herself a cup of tea.

"You wouldn't have close down the place for a couple days if you weren't. Do you want to talk about it?"

"If I did, I would have called you. But I didn't, so I don't. In fact, I don't want you in my space." Carrying her tea, she headed toward the window, which he used to enter. "Do you mind leaving?" She went to open it; however, he grabbed her and pulled her closed to him. "Is this the part where I'm supposed to cry in your arms?" She asked. "Because it's not going to happen."

He chuckled. "No, this is the part where you relax. Crying in this position is only for romantic couples."

"Well, I am supposed to be your ex. Maybe I am still harboring feelings for you. "

He groaned. "Sorry about that. I froze."

"I know." Silence engulfed the room as the two teammates stayed in each other arms.

"You're not relaxing." Richard noted after a while. In fact, her emotions were all over the place.

"It's kinda hard to sip my tea like this."

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