The Past (7/7): Batman

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The Past (7/7): Batman

Bruce sat in the chair in a dirty possible toxic costume. He was listening to Alfred talk with Dick.

He wasn't sure if Dick could hear him but Alfred's soothing voice at least calmed Bruce's nerves as he looked at a dying partner, friend, and son.

Once again, he had arrived too late.

When he had received word that Blüdhaven would be shut down to contain a possible radiation explosion, he went immediately to retrieve Nightwing.

However, it was too late.

The fool had pushed his body beyond its limit, trying to save as many people as possible, ignoring the fact that he was in danger himself while hoping that he would make it out alive.

Dick had done as he was taught. The price of learning that lesson well was his life.

He had been late.

The inhalation of the toxic fume along with a stressed body prevented Dick from recovering even with the help of medication.

Alfred was doing the best he could with the equipment that they had. A hospital would be the best option but even the tiniest of movements sent his heart racing uncontrollably. With Doctor Thompkins out of the country and medical help being allocated to Blüdhaven, he was out of options.

All he could do now was watch Dick die.

It felt surreal to him. Out of all the Robins, his allies, and people that he was close to, he never thought that he would outlive Dick. Yes, he thought that they might have a falling out and even stop all communication between the two of them. However, he never thought that he would see him like this.

He closed his eyes and prayed even though he wasn't a religious person.

"Raven." Bruce opened his eyes at the sound of Dick's weak voice.

"Raven," Dick whispered again. "Raven, what are you doing?" Dick's head moved side to side with a painful expression.

"Raven?" Alfred turned to him with a curious look on his face. "Isn't that his old teammate?"

"It is." Bruce said, standing up and walking closer to him. "She disappeared about two years ago."

After she dropped out of college and moved, Bruce had lost track of her. At the time of her disappearance, he had been occupied with another mission. After the mission, it was impossible to find her again for some odd reason. He didn't look far into it since she had lived her life quietly, and Nightwing and Cyborg always vouched for her character.

"What are you doing?" Dick asked again, causing them to turn to him.

They were surprised when Dick's mouth opened and another voice spoke. "I'm trying to save you. Relax and let me help you," A soft, feminine voice said.

"No. I can sense it; you are hurt." Dick said in his voice. "You need help. Tell me where you are, and I will come and get you."

"You are dying. You can't help me but I can help you."

"Stop!" He yelled as loud as he could in a weak voice. "You are going to die if you continue. "

"Then, I can die happily."

"No! I won't lose you!"

"You don't have a choice."

As Dick continued to argue, the monitor connected to Dick caught his attention. He was getting better.

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