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"Woah. Look, what the cat dragged in?" Yasmine said as Dick came to the bar with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I was worried that John and Doe were blocking your entrance in this whole time. Where have you been?"

"Things have been busy at work lately." It wasn't a complete lie. He was now back at his regular position as detective with Matt as his partner. However, he had been staying away from the bar since Rachael's rejection. He wasn't sure if that was for her benefit or his, especially since she walked out of the common room before the meeting.

"Umm. So, I guess, Moonlight's mood change has nothing to do with you?"

He said 'hi' and waved to some regular patrons of the bar before saying, "Mood change?"

"Yup, she has been walking around here like someone has killed her best friend." The words 'best friend' stabbed him in the heart. In a sense, Yasmine was right. He had killed her best friend by asking her to be his lover.

"So, she wasn't joking when she said that she rejected you."

"She told you?" Dick asked, slightly surprised. He thought that she would've kept it to herself, but he guessed, it was common to tell stuff like that to female friends.

"No, but I suspected it. Thanks for confirming it." She winked at him.

He clicked his teeth, annoyed. "I hate you."

"No, you don't." She informed him with a big smile while leaning closer. "Besides, I have a secret for you." He raised an eyebrow as she whispered. "She likes you, too. She's running away from her feeling, because she's afraid. If you push her little bit harder, I'm sure that she will fall into your arms." She leaned away from him, leaving him dumbfounded. "She told me to tell you to come upstairs once you've arrived. Good luck, officer."

Dick's eyes followed her as she prepared drinks for a group of guys before he moved upstairs. He wasn't sure if he could take Yasmine's advice. He had pushed her far enough already. The result of that encounter led to the current distance between them. It wasn't a distance that he was sure that he could close.

He had hoped, by working on the mission tonight, that they would start rebuilding their friendship. He was doubtful that it would happen now, based on the cold messages between them.

Signing, he knocked on the door. When it opened, he stepped back, surprised. "Sorry. Is Rachael in there?" He moved from the doorway a little bit more. He wasn't sure if the person with green hair in front of him was heading out.

The woman raised an eyebrow as it took him five blinks to realize who she was. "Raven!" He said her coded name. The name that was he used to saying as a teenager.

"Well, it's good to know that I fooled you."

She had. She wasn't like her normal self. She was bright. The wig on her head was green. While it wasn't bad on her, he liked her natural color better. Her feet were covered in blue heels that showed off her red toe nails. His eyes traveled up her pale legs to her short jeans, which had colorful patches on the pockets. He was positive that if he was looking from the back, the jeans would show a hint of her butt cheeks. His eyes traveled up her flat stomach and cute belly button to the baby pink, lace, bralette halter top that hugged her creamy breasts nicely. He was sure if he look close enough, he would see her-.

"If you're done being a pervert, we can go."

"Sorry." He averted his eyes while she put on a wind breaker, which stopped at the bottom of her pants. He wanted to cancel tonight and come up with a better plan. A plan where she didn't dress provocatively.

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