The Past (5 of 7): Cyborg

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The Past (5 of 7): Cyborg

Mistake one of this tale was meeting an old friend again.

"Make sure you all move the debris nice and steady. We don't want to create a bigger mess. Also, we have five more areas to go to."

The younger and newer Titans groaned as they cleaned up the area. This was their punishment for being disobedient and reckless during last week's fight.

"If you have time to groan, you have time to work." Cyborg yelled out.

"You know, you don't have to be so hard on them." Stargirl landed next to him, causing him to glance at her.

"Maybe, maybe not." The problems that the new group of Titans were creating couldn't be easily ignored. They were a talented group of individuals, yet they lack direction and discipline. In addition, they were an extremely prideful group, who couldn't and didn't like to admit when they were wrong and needed help.

"Well, what do you think? You think that you can whip them into shape and make them into proper Titans?"

No, thought Cyborg as he scanned the faces of each Titan. He unfortunately had to agree with Batman's assessment and conclusion of the team. They needed to be disbanded and placed as mentees under other superheroes.

When he first heard of this decision he rejected it. As an original Titan, he didn't want to see the name disappear completely or ended with a negative reputation. So, he volunteered to train and watch over the group. With only three months into the new job, he didn't see one ounce of improvement and he doubted that he would.

He now realized how fortunate that he and the others came from backgrounds that valued teamwork. He had been part of a football team. Robin, who currently went by Nightwing, had a great partnership with Batman until they broke up. Starfire fought in her planet's armed forces. Beastboy, currently known as Changeling, had been a part of the Doom Patrol. And while Raven never was a part of a group or duo, he was certain that the monks that raised her and work together to keep her father trapped played a significant role in her ability to work with others to get things done.

In addition, the Titans who moved into the Tower after them also had a great foundation, thanks to their mentors. If it wasn't for the corrupt mayor who had pushed them out, they most likely would still have been doing a great job as Titans.

He mentally kicked himself. He should have taken the opportunity to persuade the new Robin to join the Titans instead of Young Justice when he came to ask him his opinion on it. He wondered if Batman had another teenager running around somewhere. They were usually good in leadership positions.

He sighed before saying to Stargirl. "Only time will tell. "

"I'm sure you will turn this team around in no time."

"Thanks," he said with major doubt inside of his heart.

She smiled. "Well, let me go and help. After all, this is the Justice League's mess." She flew over to help the others.

Cyborg went over to the area closer to the paparazzi, where he told the others to avoid. He didn't want them to get distracted and not help out.

As he cleaned up the area, he ignored the reporters and fans that screamed his name and asked him questions. That was until someone screamed "Victory's Rock."

He immediately turned and scanned the crowd until he spotted a familiar face. Unlike the rest of the crowd, the person didn't wave or call his name. Instead, he waited patiently with a smirk on his face because he knew he had gotten Cyborg's attention.

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