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He hated that he was in this predicament. He still couldn't fully comprehend how he entered into a contract with this demon. Nevertheless, he knew there were two ways to exit the contract: die while trying to complete the mission or complete the mission and live.

While he wasn't fond of the mission or the people who he worked with, it wasn't in his plans to die againsosoon. He preferred to be old and wrinkled when he left the earth the next time.

"Slade." He looked up at the man that entered his room and who his contract was with. He was, also, the man who made sure that he held up his part of the bargain. The man usually wasn't this hands-on with his deals, preferring to leave everything in the capable hands of his underling. However, past deals made it essential for him to see to this personally.

"Yes." He stood from his desk and met the man in the middle of the room.

"How are your injuries?"

"Good." Due to his mission, he often ended up in altercations with very unpleasant people. While he thought he handled himself well against others, his body condition told another story.

"Excellent. We'll proceed according to plan." He nodded in agreement. "Here is Black Willow's gift to you."

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he took a handful of small, robotic spiders. He hated Black Willow. They fought often, with words, of course, when they were in the same room. She was manipulative and back-stabbing. He had to be on constant guard with her, because he was certain that she wanted his neck on a platter. She blamed him for slowing down their mission. This was true; however, he didn't see her doing the real work.

Furthermore, her little toy spiders creeped him out. But that was more personal; he hated spiders when he was growing up.

"Don't worry, Slade. This will be over soon."

And when it was, he would be done with demons for good this time. But for now, he had to protect his interest and working with a demon and a psychopath was the best way to do it.

"This is the tenth tech company that has been attacked in the last two hours." Nightwing said, talking to his teammates through the Bluetooth on his device. "Head to the new coordination. It is likely to be the same person."

He did a U-turn on his bike, changing direction. They were traveling to the ninth tech company when the report came through about the tenth one being currently hit.

"I'll be there in two minutes," Cyborg said. "I see Changeling in the sky. He's a minute behind me." Changeling made an animal noise, confirming what Cyborg said.

"Good. Raven and I are five minutes away." They were at the bar together when they got the alert. "I'll try and make it there in three." He gripped the handles on his bike harder to go faster. Raven held on to him tighter.

Two minutes later, Cyborg's voice could be heard. "It's Kardiak. He's sucking up the tech equipment. Oh, no you don't!" They heard the sound of Cyborg sonic cannon firing.

"Why is Karidak stealing tech?" Raven asked. "Doesn't he usually kidnap children?"

"Well, this is better than kidnapping kids. I'm at the site." Changeling said before they heard him roaring.

The last two titans pulled up at the company's parking lot a minute later. It took about thirty seconds to find the others and Kardiak on the third floor.

Changeling was a T-Rex and had one of Kardiak's appendage in his mouth. Cyborg was aiming another cannon at his body.

"Do you guys want to finish this the easy way or the hard way?" Raven asked, knowing a spell to tear the mechanical heart apart.

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