Sound the Alarm

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Sound the Alarm

"No, you don't need to come back to work. I'm more than capable of handling everything here," Cyborg said on the phone. He paced in his room at the Titans Tower. He was trying to calm his nerves; however, it wasn't helping.

He paused to listen to what Amy had to say before speaking again. "Listen, everything will be okay. The team and I are handling everything with the authorities. Just stay where you are. You deserve a nice, long vacation."

He stopped to listen to her again. He laughed this time. Amy always had a way of uplifting his spirits. "Don't worry. Even if I spend the rest of my life in jail, I will make sure that you will still get paid. Now, get off the phone and enjoy your vacation."

She replied with an okay. And right before she could hang up the phone, he stopped her. "Hey, have Willow contacted you?" He listened to her as she gave him a response that he didn't want to hear.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to try and call her. She is probably busy." He paused and listened. "You're right. Maybe her phone died or something. I'm sure that she will contact me when she can. Alright, go and enjoy your vacation now. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

After Amy said her goodbyes, he hung up the phone with a sigh as he sat in a chair. Yesterday had been a whirlwind of shock and stress. He never thought that he would spend a moment in a cell jail.

He thought back to where he sensed the day was going to wrong.

"We're done." Victor stared at the computer in shock. He couldn't believe that they were finished. What had started off as a simple side project months ago had morphed into a never-ending headache. Each piece of information that they found took them down another rabbit hole.

"We're done?" Willow looked at him across the board table with disbelief before a big grin formed on her face. "We're done!" She shouted excitedly. "I can't believe that we are finished."

"This calls for a celebration." He announced with a grin on his face as well. "You and me and a romantic night on top of the Titans' Tower." He watched as her beautiful smile turned into a frown.

"I can't. I have to go out of town for a meeting tonight. Remember. That's why we meet during our lunch break today."

He frowned. He had forgotten that Willow had suggested working on the old CTO's data during their lunchtime since they wouldn't get as much work done at the Tower. Although, he didn't remember her ever mentioning a meeting.

"Then, we have to schedule it when you get back."

"Sure," she replied with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I'm looking forward to it."

A nagging sensation entered into his hardware. He couldn't explain it, but something wasn't right with the angel that he had fallen in love with.

"Willow -"

"So, what are you going to do with the data now that we are finished with it?" She asked. He had to blink, wondering if he imagined the aggressive undertone in her voice as she cut him off.

"Hmm," He shook his head mentally. He was probably imagining things. "The right and legal thing to do is to give the evidence to the police."

"But you don't want to?" She looked at him curiously.

"No," He sighed. "I'm not one to talk bad about the police, but they have been dragging their feet on this case. Besides, those two cops are not the most trustworthy people," he explained. "If I saw some of the efforts that they are supposedly putting in, then I wouldn't have mind. Frankly, I wished that the Titans could handle the case. But...."

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