A Week Notice

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A Week Notice

He was on the back of his motorcycle, trying to out run his demons again.

He had had a daughter. A daughter that was called Mary, who was named after his mother. Apparently, she was cute with silky, black hair and bright, green eyes. She, also, had a mischievous and curious personality. She had been a child bride, who was married off in order for the Tamaranean to win a war. She had died with her pet Silkie, in an explosion during an enemy attack, when she was three and a half years old.

And that was all he would ever know about his daughter. He would never know the sound of her voice nor the sounds of her laughter. He would never know what it would have been like to hold her or to love her. He would never know.

His phone rang; he ignored it. He didn't want to talk. He wanted to leave everything behind.

"Why doesn't he answer?" Starfire hung up. Her hands were shaking as she called again. It went unanswered.

"I should go out and find him." She spun around to leave when a hand stopped her.

"Starfire," Cyborg said, concerned. "Give him some space. He needs to process everything on his own."


"He'll be back." He interjected. "He just needs time and space."

"You're right." She whimpered while tears gathered in her eyes.

"Plus, your friend came all this way to visit you. You should see what he wants."

She nodded and turned to the other Tamaranean. "I'm sorry. I didn't properly greet you. Welcome to my second home." Her normal joyful self was gone.

"It is I who am sorry, Princess. I have created an unnecessary issue in your house where there was none. Please, forgive me."

She shook her head. "The fault lies with me. I shouldn't have kept it a secret for so long." She brushed away her tears. "Why have you come here?"

"Didn't you receive the message from Captain Taryia?" He asked with concern.

She nodded. "But I have yet to look at it."

"I see. I probably shouldn't have asked Captain Taryia to pass the message."

"Is something wrong?" Concern and fear replaced her sadness. "Is my brother okay?"

He placed reassuring hands on her shoulders. "Your brother is fine." He watched her for a moment before saying, "Maybe it would be best if we talk in the morning."

"Now, he wants to talk in the morning." Changeling said while ducking out of the way of his teammates' hands.

"We'll leave you two alone to talk," Cyborg said. "You can stay in one of the empty rooms. Starfire can show you where it is." The general referred to Starfire, who nodded in agreement.

"Thank you for your kind offer." Goodnights were exchanged, and the two Tamaraneans were left alone.

"What's wrong, General Ph'yzzon?"

"Are you sure you do not wish to have this conversation in the morning? It isn't the most pleasant news."

"I doubt I will be able to sleep well tonight anyways."

He was going to disagree, but he couldn't. She was the Great Princess. So, he told her about the civil unrest on the planet between the Northern and Southern States. He spoke of the Northern States King's death and the untimely plague that took the lives of all of his heirs. He explained why the Northern States blamed the Southern States and the Central Government for not assisting. He mentioned his role in the situation and how his home states, the Northern States, had dragged him into the conflict.

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