The Past (4/7): Changeling

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The Past (4/7): Changeling

In Genesis Chapter 19, two angels came unto Lot to determine the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah and those cities that surrounded them. It was determined all those cities along with Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed by brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.

Yet, that is not the part of the story that I would like to talk about. No, the part, or rather, the person that I wanted to talk about was Lot's wife.

God saved her and her family from judgment that day as long as they followed four simple orders: escape for their lives, don't look behind, don't stay in all the plain, and escape to the mountain.

God even change the last order due to Lot's request, allowing them to escape unto a city called Zoar.

It was four simple stipulation that everyone was able to complete, except Lot's wife.

I often wondered, why did she look back. What was so important in Sodom that she had to disobey God's order and look back?

I wondered if her reason was the same as mine. Because if it was, it wasn't worth it. Nothing is worth disobeying God's commands.

Yet, she looked back and became a pillar of salt.

I looked back and became a beast, bringing fire and destruction to two small villages in Zambesi, Africa.

"Is it true what they say about Africans?" Garfield was flying first class on the plane, sitting next to Mari Jiwe McCabe, or Vixen, who had paid for the plane tickets.

They have been working, living, and traveling together for the past several months. They finally would part ways in Africa.

It was his first trip to Africa. Well, second. He was a baby when he came to the continent the first time with his parents, and unfortunately, he could never come back with them again.

They were dead. They had died from a boating accident after spending several days trying to save his life from a rare illness called Sakuita.

Ironic, isn't it?

The one who was least likely to survive an illness was the one to live years longer than those who was completely healthy. But that was life for you.

Mari groaned before asking, "What?"

"Does everyone have a pet lion and live in huts?"

She removed her sunglasses, and twisted her neck to look at him. "Does it look like I will live in a hut for a long period of time?"

"To be honest, I don't think you will step into one." He answered truthfully.

"Then why would you even ask such a silly question like that."

"Because that is what I see on TV all the time."

She clicked her tongue and turned her head back while dropping her shades back over her eyes. "Of course." After a moment, she added, "And no, I don't own a pet lion."

"You can't blame me for asking. That's-"

She cut him off, staring at him again. "There are many people that come to Africa, Gar. Some come to help. While some of those people come with good intentions, they push their ideas on the ones that they are supposed to be helping and ignored the cultural aspects that the native people hold dearly. There are those that come for a vacation and to be enlighten by the culture here, seeing Africa through their lens and not for what it truly is. There many who come to take or exploit from Africa and its people. Which person are you, Gar?"

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