History Repeats Itself

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Retra and Raven sat in the Tower meeting room, staring at one another. It was clear as day that they didn't want to be in the same room as each other. Yet, they were here because Nightwing needed their help, and he couldn't do it by himself.

"I don't see the need to have this intervention." Retra said with her hands gripping the arms of the chair. She was trying to look calm and unbothered by Raven's presence; instead, she looked tensed.

"I can't believe that I 'm saying this, but Retra is right." Raven was tensed as well with her arms folded across her chest. He knew that she was annoyed by the whole topic. She had made it cleared when she sent him a death glare.

"How does it feel to agree with something that is logical?" Retra taunted Raven.

"The same way it feels to be honest," Raven answered sarcastically. "But I guess, you wouldn't know how either feels."

"You know what," Retra said, standing up. "This isn't working. Let's try this again later without your girlfriend." Retra directed at Nightwing.

"Of course, she would run away again." Raven whispered at a volume that everyone in the room could hear her.

"Stop!" Nightwing yelled. "This isn't an intervention. I would be foolish to try with you two." He was good at romancing women and charming them. He was not good with breaking up a fight between them. He had been slapped and punched so many times in the crossfire that he stopped trying. As long as it didn't affect the team dynamic, he stayed out of their issues.

"Then, why are we here?" asked Retra.

"Because I need to get you two alone without Cyborg asking too many questions." He explained.

He had hoped to catch Retra alone after returning back from his meeting with Rose; however, he hadn't been so lucky. When he had returned, she was in the middle of a deep conversation with both Cyborg and Willow.

Retra sat back down. "What's going on?"

"I need you two, together, to think of a way to get Willow out of the Tower." Retra's and Raven's eyes connected.

"Umm, did we miss something?" Raven asked. "Because if we are voting people out of the Tower, she would be the last person that I would pick."

"Really?" He looked at her. "You would pick her over me?"

"She's a better cook." She shrugged. "But that's not the topic now. Why do you want her out of the Tower?"

"Based on the information that I have gathered, I think, she is trying to sabotage Cyborg. She is trying to destroy him and his company."

"Are we talking about the same Willow?" Retra asked. "Because the Willow I know is a really nice person, who is truly in love with Cyborg. I mean, you can see it in her eyes. Are you sure that your information is correct?"

"My information is correct." His eyes connected with Raven's. She nodded, understanding that he got his information as a police officer. He didn't need to try convince her anymore.

Retra sighed. "Just be sure that it is, because if you're wrong, we are going to have an angry Cyborg on our hand."

"I'm positive."

Raven asked, "Wouldn't it be better to keep her in the Tower with us? We can monitor her more. Besides, there is no way that Cyborg is going to leave her alone with Slade out there."

"Raven is right." Retra said. "You've seen how he acts if he thinks that she is going to cry. Are you sure that she is a traitor? She doesn't seem like one."

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