The Past (3/7):Retra

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The Past (3/7):Retra

Retra stomped angrily around the fair ground. She couldn't believe what had just happened. The jerk, who she had agree to go on a date with, had been flirting with another woman while she was in the bathroom.

She knew that she should have ended the date at the restaurant-or rather a local, fast food joint-when he mentioned that she should pay since he conveniently left his wallet at home. She shouldn't have let her friend talk her out of leaving via of text message.

Cynthia thought that Retra was single because she had high standards when it came to men. And maybe, she did. So what? It had helped her to avoid dudes like Aaron, who was Cynthia's husband's coworker.

Nevertheless, she gave Aaron a second chance and was even nice enough to pay for the entry fee and tickets for the rides at the amusement park for the both of them. She had honestly been enjoying his company and their conversation until he had pissed her off.

She had come out of the bathroom, looking for Aaron. She had found him flirting with another woman, telling her that his date had stood him up. She listened from behind a booth as he gave the woman a sad story about how it was hard for a nice guy to find a good woman. He also gave her an excuse why he couldn't join her and her friends when the woman invited him to. He had said, 'It was important for a woman to spend time with her friends.'

However, before he and the woman could separate, he gave her the large stuffed teddy bear that she had won. Yet, the real reason why she was pissed off at the guy was not because she paid for the date or he flirted with another woman and gave her teddy bear away. No, it was because he had the nerve to give the woman her favorite, expensive coat when the woman had shivered.

Beyond upset, she had kicked him in the balls from behind and snatched her coat from the woman before leaving him on the ground crying like a baby.

Her anger dimmed as she made her way to the exit. The only small relief she got was that she hadn't left her purse with him.

I'm going to kill Cynthia when I-

She bumped into somebody. Looking up, she gasped. Her apology was stuck in her throat. It had been years since she saw him.

Beast Boy.

She felt her mouth open and close several of times. His mouth stayed opened as he stared at her with wide eyes.

It was the sound of fireworks that bought them out of their trance. Their eyes flew up to the firework show and floated back down to each other eyes.

"Umm, I'm sorry to break up you guys love connection." The vendor said. "But your cotton candy is ready, and I've got other customers."

"Sorry." Changeling turned to grab his cotton candy, and she quickly walked on.

Her heart beat quickened with each step. She rubbed her sweaty palms against her jeans. She was sure that she was going to have a panic attack, and then she felt him grabbing her shoulder.

She spun around, ready to give him a piece of her mind. Why couldn't he let Terra die?

However, her eyes met with cotton candy. She took a step back, because it was too close.

"Here," he said, "You looked like you are having a bad night. Cotton candy makes things better." When she didn't say anything or move, he took her hand and placed the sweet food in it. "I hope...I hope that you will always be happy."

"Changeling!" They turned to see the superhero Vixen calling him. "We have to go. Superman needs our help."

He looked at her with a smile. "Bye, Retra. Take care of yourself." And they were off to save the day.

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