Chapter 1 ~

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In this story Sara is bisexual and married to Ryan and Jessica is straight and married to Christopher with 4 kids (Luke,Eve,Poppy and Jo)but will Sara and Jessica realise who they both truly are?
Jessica and Sara have spent so many years together, filming for Grey's Anatomy because of their characters being a couple and been married to each other for so long. They are both best friends off set and they both go out partying together all the time and have times where they have sleepovers at each other's houses or at their trailers that they stay in because of work.
Today is the day where they all have to shoot a secret scene that never gets shown to any of the fans and it's one where it's all our favourite moments/memories put into one episode but we have to re-an-act them all as well and showing the original from the previous episodes. Shonda thought of doing this for the last ever episode ever of Grey's Anatomy so that the show went off in a good way, but she wanted to start it sooner rather than later. Which made sense because some of the cast were leaving soon.
[This was actually my own idea, if it does ever happen in real life then I would probably be shocked tbf but atm this idea wasn't stolen from her I made it up]

Anyways I woke up to the sound of my alarm and it read 6:45am, I'm supposed to be at work at 9am which is actually pretty good for me tbh but I went to bed so late last night that I decided I would sleep in a little bit and drifted off to sleep again. I then woke up to the sound of Ryan getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. A few minutes later he came back in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and got back into bed. After that I decided to check my phone again. It read 7:25am so I then decided to get out of bed and put on some gym leggings and a sports bra and an oversized t-shirt over the top so that I could go on a quick run to clear my mind before a long day at work, I put on my favourite songs as well in my AirPods and brought them with me along with my phone. When I came back I decided to go in the shower to wash off all the sweat that I had created from running, I washed my hair, my body and shaved my legs so they were all smooth. This took about half an hour to shower and my run took the same amount of time too.

It was now coming up to 8:30am so I picked out my scrubs and put them on because I didn't want to be late and then after I had done that I put a bit of light makeup on and I decided I would make my way to work. Sometimes Jess and I would drive to work together, either I would pick her up or she would pick me up because we live quite close to each other. We actually live on the same road which is crazy but I love it. I was debating on whether to call her or text her but in the end I just decided I would text her because I thought it would be easier.

Me: Hey Jess it's me Sara, r u up for carpooling with me today because I'm about to leave my house and wondered if u wanted me to pick u up on the way to work so ur not late?xxx

Jess: Morning Sara, yeah of course I'll carpool with u to work, I'll be ready in about 10 minutes xxx

Me: Okay, I'll see you in a bit, bye xxx

Jess: Bye xxx


I got to Jessica's house and decided to text her to tell her that I was outside, she responded quickly and said she was just putting stuff away. While I was waiting for her I started to have deep thoughts about her, I thought about how her and her relationship with Chris is going and how the kids are. She loves her kids and would do anything for them, and so would I, I love her kids so much like they were my own. As I was thinking about her, I saw her walk out of her house and she got into the passenger side of my car and we started a conversation and we drove off to work while listening to some of our favourite songs and started singing together. I asked if she had eaten breakfast and she said yes but because I hadn't I quickly stopped off at Costa Coffee because it was the neareast to us atm and I went to get myself a Coffee Frostino and a blueberry muffin.

A few minutes later we arrived at the hospital (set) and went straight to our trailers to get ready. Mine and Jess's trailers are right next to each other so we can see each other's every move, I find it quite funny saying it like that. We had about 13 more minutes until we needed to start fully so we both walked to hair and makeup and managed to get that done in time. Then we both walked onto set together and filmed some scenes.

I woke up and sat up and wiped my eyes to get rid of all the sleep in them and then turned around to see if Chris was lying in bed with me but he wasn't. I checked my phone and it was 7:40am and so I got up and saw that Chris had written me a note. It said

'To Jess,
I know you've probably woken up and wondered where I was so I thought I would write you this. I took the kids out for breakfast and I dropped them off at school early today so you don't need to worry about them. I'll also pick them up this afternoon after I've finished work and they've all finished school so please don't worry about them. I know you've got a busy day ahead and I hope it goes ok.
I love you
From Chris'

Sometimes Chris can be really nice like this but other times he can be really mean like awful to me. This letter made me heart melt tho and blush too. Since the kids weren't here and Chris wasn't either, I decided to make myself a healthy balanced breakfast which was blueberry pancakes and fruit and yogurt. I don't know why but I just love them.

After breakfast I went upstairs to put a bit of light makeup on and did my hair by having it half up half down and put on my scrubs. I had a shower last night and it was already 8:15am and I knew it would take me a while to get to work so I decided to skip having a shower put I did put on my favourite perfume which was Olympēa. I don't know why but Chris hated this perfume so much but I loved it and apparently so did Sara so I guess that's probably why I love it so much.

Recently I have been thinking about Sara so much lately. Chris thinks I have a massive crush on her and that I'm in love with her so me and him keep on arguing about her which isn't good for our marriage and relationship. To be honest I'm not sure how I actually feel about Sara, I mean yeah I'm very close with her in person and we tell each other literally everything and since been on Grey's Anatomy and having a relationship with her on there and having to kiss her and have TV sex with her is great and all and I feel like I have a spark with her and something special but I'm straight so I can't be in love with her. Yeah okay she's bisexual but she could never love me more than a best friend, I would know if she loves me more because I've known her for years and we tell each other everything, even if it's way to personal.

I got pulled away from my thoughts when I heard my phone go off and I was kinda hoping it would either be Sara or Chris. Luckily it was Sara asking if she wanted to carpool with me and so I told her to pick me up in 10 minutes since I needed to do a quick tidy up of the house aka the kitchen because of the mess I made while making breakfast but it took longer than I thought it would.

Sara then messaged me again and said that she was waiting for me outside so I said I'll be another 10 minutes later. In the end I came outside and locked the house and hopped into her car, I could tell something was on her mind though but I didn't want to constantly ask about it so I left it for after work.
She said that she was hungry so she went to get a Costa Coffee. I didn't want anything tho because I already had breakfast.

A few minutes later we arrived at the hospital (set) and went straight to our trailers to get ready. Mine and Sara's trailers are right next to each other so we can see each other whenever we are both in our own trailers. We had about 13 more minutes until we needed to start fully so we both walked to hair and makeup and managed to get that done in time. Then we both walked onto set together and filmed some scenes.

Hi I'm Billy, my pronouns are they/them if you wanted to know and this is the end of chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed. If there's any suggestions that anyone has please comment then below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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