Chapter 22 ~

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Jessica has now come back and I'm still a little bit mad at Jessica because of her constantly asking me what's wrong earlier as soon as I woke up so when I saw her with the kids I tried to hide how mad I am at her and faked a smile just because her kids are here. They run up to me hug me and say "momma are you okay" I say "yea I'm fine, don't worry about me. How was school" I decided to change the subject and I knew they were at school today because that's where they were when me and Jessica was at home so I asked them how it went and they all said it went good but they all missed me and Jess.

After the kids told their momma Sara all about their day I could tell that Sara was getting tired so I told the kids to let her get some sleep and we will go get some food from the hospital canteen/cafeteria. As we were doing that Christopher texts me saying he's on his way so we all quickly got our food and went back to Sara's hospital room.

When we got there Sara was asleep so I told the kids to quietly sit on the chairs next to Sara's bed but they all wanted to sit on the bed and cuddle next to Sara even tho I wanted to but I let the kids cuddle her instead and I just sat and watch my kids cuddle up to my girlfriend. Wow I'm so lucky. I love my family and I hope soon that me and Sara will make a family of our own but then again I already have 4 kids so do I really want more. Yes yes I do because they will be Sara's too. I can't wait for Sara to adopt Luke, Eve, Poppy and Josephine. They love their momma Sara and I know Sara loves them too. Anyways the kids were still cuddled with Sara and they fall asleep and then I got a text from Christopher saying that he's here and that he asked what ward Sara is on. I told him that she's on ward number 840 and he text me back saying he's on his way to that ward.

The next minute Christopher and what I'm guessing is Sam turns up and knocks on the door quietly. I greet both of them and introduce myself to Sam and the kids to Sam too but they are asleep. The thing is ever since Sam got here and I told her that Sara is my girlfriend and she saw her she started to act weird and I'm not sure why. She was fine before but now she's changed. It's like she's on edge.

I walk into the ward after finding out that I'm going to meet the person who I'm dating's ex wife and her girlfriend. Me and Christopher aren't actually official, we've just been on like 3 dates. I walk in the room and see who I'm guessing is Christopher's ex wife and her girlfriend who's in the hospital bed. I greet his ex wife who's name is Jessica and she introduces herself just like I introduce myself. Then she tells me that her girlfriend is called Sara. I think to myself, wait is this my ex girlfriend Sara as I'm Sara Ramirez. She lets me go up to her to take a quick look at her and I'm shocked. It is her. I felt very on edge. What if she wakes up and sees me. The last time she saw me I physically hurt her really really badly and she ended up in hospital. I've always hurt her but she would never hurt me back. I actually feel bad seeing her like this. This was like 20 years ago. I can't believe it.

The next minute Sara wakes up. Oh shit oh shit I thought. Fuck this is bad. This is very bad. Shit she saw me. Sara looks at me in the eyes and I look at her in the eyes and then I look away. Oh god I feel so bad right now. I should have never of treated her badly. I can't even look at her because all I feel is guilty and I can see she's fuming. I look back at her and see that she's practically staring at me but she sometimes looks down or at the wall. I notice she has tears in her eyes. I walk up to her and say "hey Sara please don't cry, it's ok" she just starts shouting at me and shouting "NO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME SAM, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. LEAVE ME ALONE YOU LITTLE ABUSING PEICE OF SHIT" omg fuck I'm dead. I literally run out the room and go outside. Christopher is definitely going to not want to date me anymore.

Then Sara wakes up and sees that Christopher and Sam are here but as soon as she sees Sam she starts acting weird too. It's like she's seen a ghost. I say "babe is everything okay, you look very pale" she says "umm... yea babe I'm umm... I'm fine" I still don't believe her because she stuttered so I say "babe are you sure" she's not even looking at me while we're talking she's just staring at Sam and then staring at the wall. She's definitely not okay.

Sam walks up to Sara and says "hey Sara please don't cry, it's ok" I thought that was really sweet of Sam to do that I mean I didn't even know that my own girlfriends is crying but what I hear was not what I was expecting. Sara shouts "NO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME SAM, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. LEAVE ME ALONE YOU LITTLE ABUSING PIECE OF SHIT"
Woah. Did I just hear that right? Did Sara just say 'abusing piece of shit'? Hold up is this one of Sara's ex girlfriend's who abused her? Omg it is. It makes sense now. Samantha just runs out the room, I was expecting Christopher to go after but he didn't. He stayed and is now sitting on the chairs next to Sara's bed opposite me. I decide to phone my parents to come and pick up the kids just for a couple of hours so me and Sara and Chris can talk about whatever is going on.

I freak out when I see Sam and I also immediately freak out when she gets closer to me. I was crying a lot and she noticed which is why she walked closer to me. I just shouted "NO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME SAM, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. LEAVE ME ALONE YOU LITTLE ABUSING PIECE OF SHIT". Oh god now the truth has come out. I cry even more and I notice that Sam leaves the room but for some reason Chris is still here and is now sat on one of the chairs obviously concerned for me and confused about what I just said. I wonder how he's going to react?

A long time: Capmirez/CapirezKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat