Chapter 9 ~

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Another year has past. Sara's out of the hospital and she has been for 6 months. She's moved into another house because of everything that has happened between her and Ryan and Jess has moved house too because of everything's that happened with her and Chris. They've split custody so the kids still get to see Jess and Chris.
Jess and Sara now live next door to each other because Jess still thinks Sara needs someone close to her and always around her. They still haven't told each other how they feel about each other yet but they are definitely in love with each other. Sara sometimes gets nightmares and Jess hears her screaming so she goes round her house and help calm her down.

It's been 6 months since I got out of hospital and it has been like 2 years since the incident I think, I'm not actually sure how long. I'm now back at work working on Grey's Anatomy still so that's good. I'm still in love with Jessica and my love for her just grows so much everyday. I can't stop thinking about her and I'm thinking of telling her soon but I'm not sure when. I love the fact that Jess literally lives next door to me and I love it when her kids come over to hers when it's her turn with having them because sometimes we would all have dinner together and watch lots of films. Her kids love me and I love them all too.

I'm pretty sure Jess doesn't have the kids this weekend so I'm thinking of asking her to come over this weekend and we could just hang out and maybe one of the days we could get everyone from Grey's to come to the house and we could all have a party. I'll just text her to ask her.

Me: Hey Jess, it's me Sara, how r u? Xxx

Jess: Hey Sara, I'm gd thanks how r u? Xxx

Me: That's good. Yh I'm very well thank you. I hope u don't mind me asking but I was wondering if ur free this weekend, that's if u haven't got the kids with u tho xxx

Jess: that's good. Oh yeah I haven't got the kids this weekend. Chris has just got Josephine. Apparently Eve and Poppy are at a sleepover with their friends but they were aloud to go together and Luke has gone to his friends house. So yeah I'm pretty much free. Why? xxx

Me: oh no reason I just wondered if you wanted to hang out at mine for the whole weekend if u weren't busy. Also it sounds like the kids are gonna have a great time with their friends and jo with her dad. Xxx

Jess: oh that's a great idea. We can leave together after work on Friday and then we will go to urs even tho I live right next door to u and yeah I'm sure the kids are having an amazing time xxx

Me: yeah I bet they are. Ok sure I'll see you Friday then or probably tomorrow. Xxx

Jess: yeah, bye I love you xxx

Me: I love you too xxx

Omg she said I love you. But like what does that mean, does that mean as a friend or more than a friend. I mean we always say I love you to each other, we always have done and always will.

Anyways I'm so excited for this weekend I wonder what's gonna happen. I'm thinking of telling her this weekend about how I feel about her. Hopefully she feels the same way.

Sara's now back at work and I see her on set pretty much everyday. She's been out of hospital for 6 months now which is actually good. I really wish I told her how much I love her when I was going to but sadly she crashed. I'm so glad that she's fighting and she continues to fight for her life.

Anyways I'm about to tell you a little secret about me, I have a guilty pleasure and it's watching greys anatomy. I mainly do it with the kids and when there are scenes with Sara, my kids start asking me questions like "is she the person who you kiss" or "is she a good kisser" or "do you like kissing her" or "is this real". This was all before Luke and Eve and Poppy knew that I really love her. I never watched it with Chris because I wasn't aloud to, he would get jealous of the fact that I had to kiss Sara and kinda start saying horrible things about Sara and so I obviously stuck up for her and then it ended with an argument and me in tears locking myself in the bathroom mainly.

So back to the point, even tho the kids weren't here I thought I could still watch Grey's Anatomy. All I wanted to do was to watch me and Sara (Calliope) kiss and have sex because like those are kinda my favourite scenes to film with her. As I was watching one of our sex scenes I hear my phone go off so I pause the show and check my phone it was a message from Sara. I smiled just seeing her name pop up on my phone.

Sara: Hey Jess, it's me Sara, how r u? Xxx

Me: Hey Sara, I'm gd thanks how r u? Xxx

Sara: That's good. Yh I'm very well thank you. I hope u don't mind me asking but I was wondering if ur free this weekend, that's if u haven't got the kids with u tho xxx

Me: that's good. Oh yeah I haven't got the kids this weekend. Chris has just got Josephine. Apparently Eve and Poppy are at a sleepover with their friends but they were aloud to go together and Luke has gone to his friends house. So yeah I'm pretty much free. Why? xxx

Sara: oh no reason I just wondered if you wanted to hang out at mine for the whole weekend if u weren't busy. Also it sounds like the kids are gonna have a great time with their friends and jo with her dad. Xxx

Me: oh that's a great idea. We can leave together after work on Friday and then we will go to urs even tho I live right next door to u and yeah I'm sure the kids are having an amazing time xxx

Sara: yeah I bet they are. Ok sure I'll see you Friday then or probably tomorrow. Xxx

Me: yeah, bye I love you xxx

Sara: I love you too xxx

I really wanted to tell her that I love her so I did. Omg she said that she loves me too. But like what does that mean, does that mean as a friend or more than a friend. I mean we always say I love you to each other, we always have done and always will.

I'm so excited for this weekend but also very nervous I wonder what's gonna happen. I'm thinking of telling her this weekend about how I feel about her. Hopefully she feels the same way.

This is the end of chapter 9. I'm really not sure what else to put in this chapter so please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment then below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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