Chalter 39 ~

126 6 2

Months have passed and today is the day that you've all been waiting for, today is the due date for Jessica's and Sara's baby girl. Hopefully it will be a natural birth for them.

Months have passed since we found out the sex of our baby and that they're a girl. Today is finally the day where me and Sara will get to meet her because today is the due date. I'm so excited, i just want to meet my baby girl. It does still bother me that it's Chris's but it is what it is. I understand why Sara did it.

Since it's Sara's due date we aren't doing much today just incase she does come out today so we've decided to just stay at home and watch films/moves or series/seasons all day. We will probably watch greys anatomy as well. The kids are with Sara's parents until the baby is born and sara and me have settled back in the house.

Months have passed since we found out the sex of our baby and that they're a girl. Today is finally the day where me and Jess will get to meet her because today is the due date. I'm so excited, i just want to meet my baby girl.

The kids are staying at my parents house until the baby is born so since it's my due date we aren't really doing much, we will probably just watch greys anatomy all day and cuddle on the sofa and wait until I go into labour.

We were in the middle of watching the birth episode of Callie and Arizona's child when I started getting really bad back pains and cramps in my stomach and it felt as if she was moving further down and getting ready to come out. Jess could tell something was wrong so she put her arms around me and reassured me that everything was going to be ok.

I felt as if I needed to go to the toilet so I got up and slowly walked to the bathroom. As soon as I got there I felt a sudden pool of water drop and at first I thought I had just pissed myself because obviously I needed the toilet but the next minute I felt the most awful and intense cramp ever and that's when I knew I didn't piss myself. It was my waters. My waters broke and I'm now going into labour. I immediately screamed for Jess to come and help me and she was there straight away.

"Babe what's wrong" Jess says

"I think I'm in labour, I think my waters have broken" I say while nearly crying.

"It's ok, yes I think they have but that's ok, let's get you into the car and I'll phone the midwife and say that your in labour. The bags are already in the car because I put them in earlier incase something happened" Jess says calmly.

"Ok thank you. I love you" I say.

"You're welcome, I love you too" Jess says

Jess helps me to get into the car and puts my seatbelt on and then gets into the drivers side and puts her seat belt on and then drives off.


15 minutes had passed and the contractions were getting worse. The pain is unbearable. We are like 5 mins away from the hospital, the midwife is on the phone helping me to stay calm while she gets everything ready for me.

From what I can remember I'm very close to being able to start pushing so we need to hurry up and get to the hospital on time.

Sara got up and went to the toilet as we were watching the birth scene in greys anatomy and the next minute I hear Sara screaming for me to come to them and that's when I see a massive puddle of water. I knew instantly that their waters have broken. Looks like they're in labour now.

i help Sara to get into the car and put their seatbelt on and then I get into the drivers side and put my seat belt on and then drive off, ready to see our baby be born. The stuff is already in the car because I did that earlier incase anything happened and I'm glad I did that because looks like something did happen.


15 minutes had passed and the contractions were getting worse, well that's what Sara was telling me and I could tell because it looks like they're struggling. We are like 5 mins away from the hospital, the midwife is on the phone helping sara and me to stay calm while she gets everything ready for Sara and for the baby.

We finally arrive and I help Sara out of the car and once they're out I spot the midwife coming towards us and then she helps Sara onto a bed and wheels them into the hospital and onto a ward where they can give birth. I hold onto Sara's hand the whole time.

Im in the hospital now and the contractions are getting more frequent and a lot more intense. The midwife has a look at how many cm dilated and I'm at 9cm so 1 more cm and I'm ready to start pushing.

About 5-10 minutes later my midwife checks again and it shows that I'm now 10cm dilated so it's time andshe tells me that on the count of 3 I can start to push.


I pushed and I started crying from the pain, Jess was right by my side and telling me that I'm doing good.

The midwife told me that I need to push again on the count of 3


I pushed again and that's when the midwife could see the start of the head. The midwife told us that and then said

"Sara, I would like you to do a really big push now because I can see the head of this baby girl and I know how much you want to meet her so can you do a really big push for me" the midwife says.

"Yes ok I can try" I say

"Ok on the count of 3" p


I pushed even more and then that's when we heard her cry for the very first time.
The midwife told us to push again but I was confused as to why because we heard her cry but I did it either way. I did it on the count of 3


I pushed again and we heard her cry again. Then the doctors and nurses took her and did what they needed to do and brought her over to me.

"Here's your beautiful and healthy baby daughter" Dr West says

"Thank you, awww she's absolutely gorgeous" Jess says

"Yeah she is, thank you Dr West" I say

"You're very welcome, she's beautiful, have you decided on a name for her yet" Dr West says

"Yes she is and yes we have" I say

"Her name is Sofia Ramirez Capshaw" me and Jess say while looking at each other and at our new born baby.

Our little baby girl is born now and her name is Sofia Ramirez Capshaw.

As I was holding Sofia, Sara was getting checked out by the midwife and then we got the thumbs up which meant that Sara is all good and so is baby Sofia.

It's a little bit later and Sara has fallen asleep and so has baby sofia. Sofia had some test done on her and we are just waiting for those to come back and see how long we can stay in the hospital for until we go home.

I've phoned my parents and told them that we've had the baby but we haven't told Sara's parents because they ended up falling asleep but we have a little party to celebrate the life of Sofia Ramirez Capshaw. It will only be my parents, Sara's parents and the kids.

This is the end of chapter 39. Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗
I hope y'all like the name that I chose for their baby.

Sofia Ramirez-Capshaw

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