Chapter 29 ~

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6 months have now passed and Jessica and Sara have finally had the full chat about having kids and they are going ahead with it. They've both spoken to Luke, Eve, Poppy and Josephine each individually and together and they are all happy with them having another child. All that needs to be done is picking out the sperm donor. Sara is going to carry and also once we know for sure that Sara is pregnant well we're pregnant then Sara will legally adopt Luke, Eve, Poppy and Josephine. So let's see what is happening now.

6 months have now passed.
I'm still working on Grey's Anatomy.
Me and Sara are ready for kids together, we just need to find a sperm donor and then obviously book the appointment and then hopefully Sara will be pregnant or should I say we will be pregnant. We are going to be doing Reciprocal IVF so this means that we're using my eggs as well as Sara's eggs and the males sperm. I can't wait to have a mini Sara and me running around the house. I really hope this works.
If the pregnancy works then Sara will legally adopt my kids and even if it doesn't work she will still adopt them.

Anyways Sara's gone out atm, she's gone somewhere with someone. I'm not sure who but all I know is that it's someone that we're both close to so I know that she is safe.

6 months have now passed.
Me and Jessica are ready for kids together, we just need to find a sperm donor and then obviously book the appointment and then hopefully I will be pregnant or should I say we will be pregnant. We are going to be doing Reciprocal IVF so this means that we're using Jessica's eggs as well as my eggs and the males sperm.
If the pregnancy works then I will also legally adopt Jessica's kids and even if it doesn't work I will still adopt them.

Jess doesn't know this yet but idk why but I'm thinking of letting Christopher be the sperm donor only because then the baby will be blood related to the kids because the baby will have Chris and Jess in the genes if you get what I mean. I should probably ask Jess first but I wanted it to be a surprise. Me and Christopher are going out today at 2:30pm to sort it out and speak about it more. I really hope he says yes.

Sara wants to talk to me about something and apparently this is very important. I have heard that Sara and Jessica want to have a baby together so maybe that's it but why would Sara want to talk to me about it. Maybe it's because she wants to ask for my blessing but I'm not sure really.

Anyways Sara wants to meet up at around 2:30pm to go grab a coffee and have a chat. I'm very confused as to why like I said but yea let's just see how this plans out.

Its now 2:30pm and I've just arrived and I see Sara had too. I go over to her and we go grab a coffee and then we sit down to chat.

"Hey Chris" Sara says. "Hey Sara how are you" I say. "I'm good thanks how are you" Sara says. I say "that's good, I'm very well thank you. So what is it that you want to talk about". What Sara says next is what I was not expecting. "I was thinking whether you wanted to be our sperm donor for when me and Jessica have kids. We're thinking of having them now and we're looking for someone and I thought maybe you could so then the baby is still fully related to yours and Jessica's kids because it will have your sperm and Jessica's eggs and my eggs since I am going to carry." I'm shocked at this but I say "omg yes of course i would love to be the sperm donor of yours and Jessica's kids". Sara says "omg thank you so much" then I say "shall we do it now". That's when we both leave and go to the IVF clinic to take my sperm and Sara's eggs and then later Sara will take Jessica's too.

I'm so glad he said yes. I can't believe it and we're actually doing it now. Oh god I hope Jess will be ok with this.

It's now 4 hours later, I'm back at home with Jess and the kids but all I can think about is what I've done. Was it a good idea? Was it a bad idea? Will Jessica leave me if she finds out the truth? Oh god I hope she won't.

Once I got back I took her out to the IVF clinic and did her eggs so hopefully it should would out.

This is the end of chapter 28. Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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